
Brachygnathia is a narrow jaw syndrome.

This pathology is a rare genetic disease. This is the name for a change in the shape of the facial skeleton, in which, in contrast to the normal structure of the upper part of the face, the facial skeleton begins to shorten and thicken. The disease manifests itself primarily by the spread of the bone structures of the face into the middle part of the face. At the same time, fatty deposits accumulate in the nasolabial area and on the chin, which are formed due to the enlarged part of the face under the eyes. Sometimes fatty tissue accumulates even to the level of hair growth. Because of this, the skin of the face looks unnaturally stretched. The disease develops when the facial spine is displaced from its usual places, causing the bones of the upper jaw to protrude into the lower jaw. Outwardly, this gives the impression of a flattened nose. At the same time, people cannot smile widely, since not only the chin expands, but also the jaw itself due to compaction of the bone tissue. Due to the narrowing of the jaw around the eyes, blood circulation is disrupted, and the hair in the forehead area begins to thin. Often, along with all of the above features, scoliosis appears - a curvature of the spine or chest. *Among the most common symptoms are: * decreased skin elasticity, the appearance of excess subcutaneous fat, impaired mobility and the appearance of noise and cracking in the joints. The pathological process affects the bone and cartilage tissues of the jaws, due to their drying out as the patient grows. As a rule, to