Bougie Elastic

Elastic bougie is a flexible bougie made of non-metallic materials (polymers, silk or cotton fabric coated with waterproof resins and varnishes).

The main advantage of elastic bougie is its flexibility and ability to stretch. Thanks to this, it can be used as a shock absorber, taking on shock loads. In addition, the elastic bougie bends easily and takes the desired shape.

Elastic bougies are widely used in shipbuilding to protect ship hulls from impacts against berths and other vessels. They are installed around the entire perimeter of the body. Bougies absorb shock and prevent damage to the skin.

Elastic bougies are also used in the automotive industry, mechanical engineering, machine tool industry and other industries as shock absorbers and seals. They are used in structures where it is necessary to dampen vibration and shock loads.

In general, elastic bougie is a universal shock-absorbing element with high strength and durability. Its elasticity and ability to deform make it indispensable in various industries.


Elastic bougie - flexible, made from polymer materials, silk or cotton fabrics. The bougie also has a coating that can be coated with resin and varnish to make it more durable and reliable.


Advantages of Elastic Bougie:

1. Flexibility: One of the main advantages of the Elastic Bougie is its flexibility, which allows for ease of insertion and maneuverability in a narrowed canal. It allows you to quickly explore anomalies as the channel expands. 2. Durability: The material for making the elastic bougie is a special aramid fiber, which makes the device durable. In addition, Elastic Bougies can be sterilized multiple times without losing their flexibility characteristics. 3. Minimizing the risk of tissue damage: The elasticity of the material helps prevent tissue damage to the mouth of the ureter and bladder neck. All this allows for faster healing of post-surgical wounds and reduces the risk of relapses. 4. Less impact on the muscles/aponeuroses of the urethra: The flexible structure of the bougie allows for less impact on the muscles/aponeuroses. This minimizes the chance of injury or damage to the muscles and aponeuroses when the canal is widened when inserting or removing bougies. 5. Good ultrasound visibility: High flexibility and ability to distort ultrasound waves well helps ultrasound examiners better evaluate bladder openings and intracavitary features. 6. Reduced Complications Early in Treatment: Bougie dilatation procedures often perform better and with fewer complications than severe bougie dilatations, especially in cases such as ureteral resection. The use of elastic bougies during expansion also provides a shorter healing period and less risk of scarring. 7. Gentle and less aggressive expansion, giving the surgeon more freedom to optimize the procedure without the risk of perforation or damage to the bladder; 8. These devices can help improve maneuverability to minimize soft tissue damage to the patient. 9. They may also be used to diagnose and treat ureteropyeloectasia (enlargement of the ureter) after radiation therapy for bladder cancer or to test ureteric function in cases of post-traumatic infertility. 10. They are widely used in surgery and urology, especially in complex operations on the urinary organs and prostate gland.