Cabbage Tree

Cabbage Tree: description, chemical composition and application

Cabbage Tree (Latin: Andira araroba) is an evergreen tree native to the forests of Brazil. This is a large tree, reaching a height of 20-30 meters, with a thick trunk with a diameter of up to 2.5 meters. Inside the barrel there are cavities filled with resin.

The Cabbage Tree belongs to the legume family (Fabaceae), also known as Leguminosae. The flowers of the cabbage tree are typical of leguminous plants.

One of the main active ingredients of the cabbage tree is chrysarobin (Chrysarobinum), which is extracted from the resin of the tree. Chrysarobin is a mixture of free anthrone and anthraquinone, and also contains bitters, resins and arobinols.

Chrysarobin has cleansing properties and is used as a treatment for skin conditions. It can be used in the form of solutions and ointments in the treatment of psoriasis and other skin diseases.

Although the cabbage tree has medicinal properties, it is important to remember that it is also poisonous. If used incorrectly, chrysarobin can cause skin irritation and other side effects. Therefore, before using chrysarobin as a treatment, you should consult a doctor or carefully study the instructions.

In conclusion, the cabbage tree is a plant with many beneficial properties, especially in the treatment of skin diseases. However, as with any medicine, it is important to use it correctly and under the supervision of a specialist.