What to do if the papilloma is swollen?

A woman's papilloma is swollen

The content of the article:
  1. Why does papilloma swell?
  2. What does it look like
  3. What to do if papilloma is swollen
  4. Treatment options
    1. Medicines
    2. Removal
    3. At home
  5. Prevention of inflammation of papillomas

The condition when the papilloma is swollen is a signal for the patient to immediately consult a doctor. Without a specific reason, any transformations with the growth cannot occur. An increase in size may indicate a decrease in immunity and tumor degeneration. In many cases, it is possible to prevent the development of harmful scenarios even in the early stages, when the tumor has just begun to grow. To do this, a patient with human papillomavirus needs to know why the papilloma is swollen, what to do in such cases, how to avoid recurrence of such complications.

Why does papilloma swell?

Traumatized papilloma

In the photo there is an injured papilloma

The situation when the papilloma is swollen is not caused by a reason; there is always a factor that caused the growth to increase. Most often in medical practice such a provocateur is papilloma damage. In this case, it is precisely those growths that most often suffer that a person tries to hide with clothing - the delicate epithelial layers cannot withstand contact with the fabric, and especially with sutures.

Other causes of inflammation and swelling of papilloma include:

  1. A significant decrease in the body’s protective functions in acute diseases and inflammatory processes. In this case, before treating the swollen formation, it is necessary to treat the acute provoking disease.
  2. Exhaustion of the body due to systematic stress and nervous tension (the condition is typical for more than 60% of the working population).
  3. Hormonal imbalance; in women, such disruptions may be associated with pregnancy or dysfunction of the reproductive system; in this case, it is imperative to consult with the treating gynecologist.
  4. Excessive ultraviolet irradiation of the area with papilloma - as already noted, the epidermal layer in the affected area is quite thin and cannot fully form a barrier.
  5. Improper treatment of tumors carried out at home can also lead to injury and the onset of inflammatory processes.

As soon as the reason why the papilloma is swollen is established, measures must be taken to eliminate its influence. Then you need to move on to treating the formation itself.

Important! Some people mistakenly believe that an increase in size is a sign of effective home treatment. This idea is fundamentally wrong. If the papilloma is swollen after home treatments, you must stop any influence on the formation and immediately consult a doctor. Delay is fraught with the spread of the virus in the body, and in especially severe cases, degeneration into a malignant formation.
  1. Read how to prevent a wart from swelling

What does a swollen papilloma look like?

Swollen papilloma on the body

The photo shows a swollen papilloma

The first alarm bell for a person with papillomas should be a situation when a familiar formation that did not cause discomfort begins to hurt, an unpleasant odor appears, and an area of ​​skin is painful to touch, even if the papilloma has not yet swollen.

In the future, whatever the reason under the influence of which the papilloma began to grow, the symptoms of such a complication are clearly expressed:

  1. The size and usual shape of the growth changes;
  2. The structure is compacted;
  3. The papilloma darkens until it acquires a rich dark red color;
  4. In advanced conditions, the formation may bleed or fester, and characteristic discharge appears.
Note! Symptoms may appear together or separately. Each of the conditions may also be a sign of structural degeneration, which will require mandatory consultation with an oncologist and further treatment.

What to do if the papilloma is swollen?

Doctor examining papilloma

In most cases, only if the papilloma is swollen, the patient wonders which doctor to contact, without worrying about the formation, as long as it does not cause discomfort. A consultation with a therapist will help assess your general health and rule out the presence of inflammatory processes in the body, and if they are detected, prescribe a course of treatment. A dermatologist will tell you what to do if the papilloma is swollen due to improper home treatment. But if the reason for the growth of the formation is the degeneration of the growth into a malignant formation, an urgent consultation with an oncologist will be required. It would also be useful to consult an immunologist, because with the normal functioning of the body’s defense system, the human papillomavirus does not even appear, not to mention the growth of formations.

To prescribe competent treatment, you will need to undergo general blood and urine tests to assess the condition of the body, determine the genotype of the virus and the reasons for the growth of the formation. Therapy, as a rule, is prescribed comprehensively, that is, including both drug treatment and the selection of a method of destruction of the formation.

  1. Read also, which doctor to contact for papillomas

Methods for treating papilloma if it is swollen

The edematous formation begins to interfere with everyday life, the risk of its damage and secondary infection increases sharply, and it may degenerate into an oncological structure, so in no case should the problem be left without treatment.

Medicines for swollen papilloma

Medicines for swollen papilloma

The photo shows effective drugs if the papilloma is swollen

Drug treatment is aimed at preventing the development of the disease and stopping further growth and swelling of the papilloma. However, you must be prepared for long-term treatment.

Depending on the patient’s condition, the doctor may prescribe:

  1. Immunostimulants. Cycloferon, Amiksin, Allokin are designed to activate the body's immune system. The price in Ukrainian pharmacies for the drug starts from 150 hryvnia, in Russia - from 300 rubles.
  2. Immunomodulators. These are drugs to strengthen the body's defense mechanisms when the papilloma is swollen. The most affordable in terms of pricing, but no less effective, is Viferon, the price in Ukraine is from 200 hryvnia for candles, and in Russia - from 300 rubles. In some cases, analogues of the drug - Genferon or Interferon - may be recommended.
  3. Anti-inflammatory drugs. To combat the human papillomavirus from the inside, Groprinosin, Gropivirin or Novirin are prescribed. The cost of drugs varies between 100-200 hryvnia (300-600 rubles) depending on the volume of the package. If the formation has already begun to become inflamed, a stronger analogue, Isoprinosine, may be required; its price in pharmacies in Ukraine reaches 700 hryvnia, and in Russia - up to 1,500 rubles.

Drug treatment, if the papilloma is swollen, must also be combined with measures of general health maintenance: proper nutrition, adherence to sleep and wakefulness, hygiene rules, walks in the fresh air and exercise.

Note! The patient's diet can also be supplemented with vitamins. The simplest but most effective Undevit costs only 13 hryvnia (59 rubles). If you want to take more complex complexes, for example, Vitrum, Multimax, you must consult your doctor.
  1. Read also about Super Cleaner against papillomas

Removing papilloma when it is swollen

Laser removal of swollen papilloma

Destruction procedures are designed to rid the patient of potentially dangerous growths. If you don’t know what to do if the papilloma is already swollen, then you need to remove it. Such a solution will be the only possible option for getting rid of the growth.

Today, a large number of different types of manipulations are available for the destruction of tumors:

  1. Radio knife. Removal of papillomas occurs under the influence of a high-frequency wave. The method is painless and highly accurate, does not leave scars. The price for the procedure in Ukraine starts from 570 hryvnia, and in Russia - from 2000 rubles.
  2. Laser. It affects papillomas with a high-temperature directed beam. The technology is also quite painless, does not leave scars and minimizes the likelihood of bleeding during the procedure. The cost starts from 350 hryvnia in Ukraine and 1250 rubles in Russia, but can be significantly higher if the size of the lesion being removed is large.
  3. Cryodestruction. If the papilloma is swollen, it can be removed under low temperatures. The method is very popular due to its accessibility; the price for the procedure in Ukraine starts from 300 hryvnia (in Russia 900 Russian rubles). Although during removal, nearby healthy tissues may also be damaged, and a small scar will remain at the site of the removed papilloma.
  4. Electric current. Removing formations in this way is considered obsolete, since the procedure is very painful, and rehabilitation after removal will require some time. But this particular method is used if the papilloma is swollen, and the patient has contraindications to the use of other methods. The price for removing formations with electric current in Ukraine is 320 hryvnia, and in Russia - from 750 rubles.

Surgical removal It is also used if the papilloma is swollen, but the method is becoming less and less popular, since after the operation a long recovery period is required, and a scar remains at the site of the growth. The price of surgical intervention is calculated separately in each case.

Note! Procedures for removing formations are available not only in medical institutions, but also in some beauty salons. When choosing an establishment for destruction, it is strongly recommended to seek help from experienced specialists.
  1. Read also, what is better to remove papillomas - laser or electrocoagulation

Treatment of swollen papilloma at home

Treatment of swollen papilloma with an antiseptic

In some cases, a person does not want to remove the formation in a laboratory setting, preferring to use traditional methods. However, such a decision is fundamentally wrong. We should not forget that manipulation of the growth at home is also one of the reasons that the papilloma swells.

Folk recipes with an aggressive composition when the papilloma is swollen are strictly prohibited. Such drugs can cause new injury to the epithelial tissues of the formation and cause secondary infection.

At home before visiting a doctor it is permissible treat the skin around the swollen papilloma with an antiseptic only if the formation is on the surface of the skin and not the mucous membranes.

If a visit to the doctor is postponed, it is advisable to give up bad habits, avoid stress, and take medications to stimulate the immune system. But if the papilloma is swollen, sooner or later you need to consult a specialist.

Prevention of inflammation of papillomas

If you have papillomas, you should not sunbathe for a long time

If you have papillomas, you can’t sunbathe for a long time!

In a situation where it was not possible to avoid the appearance of growths, the patient must take all measures to prevent further development of the pathology.

In order not to wonder what to do if papillomas are swollen, it is enough to follow a number of simple preventive measures:

  1. adhere to the rules of personal hygiene, and treat areas with pathological growths carefully and gently to prevent damage;
  2. avoid tight adherence of tissues to formations;
  3. avoid stress and overwork;
  4. do not stay in the sun for a long time;
  5. Maintain a healthy body through a healthy diet, moderate exercise, and taking medications recommended by doctors;
  6. do not self-medicate.

If, despite the complex of measures taken, the papilloma swells, changes color or shape, or becomes damaged, you should immediately consult a doctor.

No one is immune from damage to growths or their inflammation, which is why every carrier of the virus should know what to do when the papilloma is swollen. Ignoring the problem will lead to very harmful consequences, including even cancer. The only correct solution in this situation is to visit an experienced specialist and strictly follow his recommendations.

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