Conversion Disorder

Conversion Disorder: Psychological conflict manifested in physical symptoms

Conversion disorder, also known as hysteria, is a psychological disorder that can lead to physical symptoms and organic dysfunctions. People suffering from this disorder may develop various symptoms, such as loss of vision, hearing, sensation or motor function, but do not have organic problems that can explain these symptoms.

Describing a conversion disorder, we can say that it is the result of psychological conflicts, stress or emotional need. People suffering from this disorder often do not realize that their physical symptoms may be related to their emotional state. Instead, they may consider their symptoms to be a sign of serious organic problems.

Conversion disorder can appear in people at any age, but most often it manifests itself in women aged 15 to 35 years. Symptoms may be temporary or permanent and may change over time. People suffering from conversion disorder may also have other psychological problems such as depression, anxiety or post-traumatic stress disorder.

The diagnosis of conversion disorder can be difficult because symptoms may be similar to those of other diseases. Various methods may be used for diagnosis, such as medical examinations, psychological tests and interviews. Various approaches may be used for treatment, including psychotherapy, hypnosis, physical therapy, and medications.

However, despite the fact that conversion disorder is a psychological disorder, it is not a fiction or an imaginary disease. People suffering from this disorder experience real physical symptoms that can significantly limit their lives. Therefore, it is important to understand that conversion disorder requires a serious and professional approach to treat and improve the quality of life of people who suffer from this disorder.

Conversion (neurotic or hypochondriacal) disorders are a psychological state of a person, manifested by symptoms that resemble manifestations of some somatic or organic disorders. In most cases, such disorders are not associated with any organic cause, but appear as a response to psychological experiences.

However, in most cases, conversion disorders are considered by specialists as a borderline condition that requires complex treatment and medical care.

Main symptoms of conversion disorders: - Dizziness

Conversion disorder, also known as conversion disorder, is a pathological mental condition that manifests itself in the form of disease or organic dysfunction, but is not a symptom of any specific disease or disease. Conversion disorder describes when a patient experiences psychological or physical problems that appear as symptoms of a physical illness even though they are