
Creatinine: What is it and how is it measured?

Creatinine is one of the natural metabolites formed in muscles from creatine and creatine phosphate. Creatinine is formed by the hydrolysis of creatine, which is used to provide energy to muscles. Once formed, creatinine is excreted from the body by the kidneys.

Creatinine is a very important indicator of kidney function because it reflects the rate at which blood is filtered through the kidneys. Measuring creatinine levels in the blood helps evaluate kidney function and identify diseases associated with impaired kidney function.

Creatinine is measured in micromoles per liter (μmol/L) or milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL). Blood creatinine levels depend on many factors, including gender, age, body weight and level of physical activity. Typically, men's blood creatinine levels are higher than women's and increase with age.

The normal level of creatinine in the blood for men is from 0.74 to 1.35 mg/dL, for women - from 0.59 to 1.04 mg/dL. Blood creatinine levels may increase with kidney disease, such as chronic renal failure, and other diseases associated with impaired muscle mass.

Measuring creatinine levels in the blood is an important part of diagnosing kidney disease and helps monitor the effectiveness of treatment. If the level of creatinine in the blood is elevated, you should consult a doctor for additional examination and determine the cause of this increase.

Thus, creatinine is an important indicator of kidney function and its measurement helps to identify diseases associated with kidney disease. However, in order to correctly interpret the results of a creatinine test, many factors must be taken into account, including age, gender and level of physical activity.

Creatinine is one of the natural metabolites formed in muscles from creatine and creatine phosphate. Creatinine is excreted from the body by the kidneys.

Blood and urine creatinine levels are used to assess kidney function. An increase in creatinine levels in the blood may indicate impaired kidney function.

Creatinine is formed in muscles as a result of the breakdown of creatine phosphate, the main source of energy for muscle cells. The greater the muscle mass, the more creatinine is formed.

The main role of creatinine is to maintain energy balance in muscles. The buildup of creatinine in the blood can lead to muscle weakness, cramps, and muscle damage.

Creatinine is one of the important serum indicators of metabolic processes. This is a natural chemical compound formed from substances that enter our body.

Muscle cells are rich in creatinine. From them, this substance enters first into the blood and then into the kidneys. They are the ones who remove creatinine from the body along with urine. This compound is found in small quantities in the blood and brain, but we get the bulk of it from food. This means that the appearance of creatinine in the blood is due to our food. It is present in products such as meat, fish, offal, legumes, and fruits. And for you