Davymaya Lozhechka

A pressure spoon is an instrument used to measure the volume of liquids for medical purposes. It is used to measure the amount of blood taken from a patient's vein and other fluids such as injection solutions.

The squash spoon was invented by French ophthalmologist Jean Daviel in the 17th century. He was the first to use this instrument to measure volumes of liquids, and he also suggested the name “press spoon” for this instrument.

The working principle of a squeeze spoon is that it is shaped like a cone, which makes it easy to measure the volume of liquid. When liquid is placed in a spoon, it fills it to a certain level, which can be measured by height. The spoon is then closed and the volume of liquid is measured by the height of the liquid level in the spoon.

The pressure spoon is widely used in medicine to measure the volume of blood and other fluids. It can also be used in other fields such as chemistry, physics and other sciences.