Demyanovich Method

The Demyanovich method (Demyanovich method) is a method of treating certain skin diseases that was developed by the Soviet dermatovenereologist Mikhail Petrovich Demyanovich in the 1930s.

Demjanovich was known for his research in dermatology and venereology, as well as his work developing new treatments for skin diseases. He was one of the first to use antibiotics in the treatment of skin infections, and his method of treatment was based on the use of antibiotics.

What is the Demyanovich method?

This method involves using antibiotics to treat skin infections. Demjanovich developed this method based on his research in bacteriology and microbiology. He discovered that some bacteria that cause skin infections are sensitive to certain antibiotics.

To treat skin infections, Demjanovich used a combination of antibiotics that were effective against the bacteria causing the infection. He also recommended that patients take antibiotics for a long time to prevent re-infection.

Advantages of the Demyanovich method

One of the main advantages of the Demyanovich method is that it allows you to quickly and effectively treat skin infections. The antibiotics used in this method act quickly and kill the bacteria causing the infection, allowing patients to recover quickly.

In addition, the Demyanovich method avoids the development of bacterial resistance to antibiotics, which can occur with long-term use of some antibiotics. This means patients can continue treatment without the risk of developing new infections.

However, like any other treatment method, the Demyanovich method has its drawbacks. Some patients may experience side effects from antibiotics such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and others. Additionally, some bacteria may be resistant to the antibiotics used in this method.


The Demyanovich method is an effective treatment for skin infections that allows you to quickly get rid of the bacteria causing the infection and avoid the development of antibiotic resistance.

Demyanovich method

*Demyanovich method* is one of the most famous and effective methods of treating skin diseases. It was developed by the Soviet dermatovenerologist **Mikhail Petrovich Demyanovich** in the 1940s. This method has become a real revolution in dermatology and dermatocosmetology, allowing to significantly improve the results of treatment of many skin diseases.

***Mikhail Petrovich Demyanovich*** is one of the outstanding representatives of Soviet medicine. Born on November 9, 1889 in Moscow in the family of a blacksmith worker. In 1898 he entered the