
Diplopia is a neurological condition in which a person perceives two images of the same object at the same time. This can happen due to various reasons such as head injury, visual impairment or neurological disease. In this article we will look at the causes of diplopia, its symptoms and treatment.

Causes of diplopia

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Diplopia is a medical term that refers to the doubling of one of the image objects and, as a result, double vision of the visible image in one eye. The disease predominantly occurs among children and young people. This results in poor vision in both eyes or double vision. Diplopia is divided into true and false. True diplopia occurs due to the difference between two images of an object that enter the eye. For example, for concussion, amnesia, general weakness, or for symptoms including impaired eye movement. With false diplopia, one eye is completely healthy, and the other sees a double image. The appearance of false diplopia is caused by an effect on the cornea or vitreous body. For example, the formation of a film in the last areas. Diplopia disease also manifests itself in a number of other cases associated with changes in the eye itself or its motor elements resulting from various injuries. Diplopia can occur at any age, but it is more common in people over 40 years of age. In children, this phenomenon is more often observed with refractive errors that appear due to a deficiency of vitamins, for example, vitamin A. Why is diplopia dangerous? It significantly impedes our ability to control our eyes without experiencing double