Doctors have named the most dangerous time for the heart

American scientists from Brigham Young University and Oregon Medicine and Science University Hospital found that the most dangerous time for the heart is early in the morning.

Scientists even named the exact time - 6:30. The danger to the heart at this time is caused by certain physiological processes.

It turns out that at this time the level of a protein in people's blood, which slows down the breakdown of blood clots, reaches its peak. This was noticed by a team of scientists after two weeks of studying protein levels in the organs of 12 healthy adult volunteers.

As a result, study author Dr. Frank Scheer reported that the circadian rhythm, or body clock, contributes to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease in the first half of the day, independent of any behavioral or environmental factors.

Given this, people with heart disease should especially avoid stressful situations in the early morning.