Note to women: what leads to male infertility?

Male infertility is a serious problem that can lead to many unpleasant consequences for a couple. Although the causes of male infertility can be varied, one of the main ones is stress. A study conducted by Italian scientists found that a man's ability to cope with stress affects his ability to produce sperm.

The study was conducted on two groups of men: 94 men who came to the clinic with complaints of infertility for the first time, and 85 healthy men. Scientists found that men exposed to both long-term and short-term stress produced seminal fluid in smaller quantities and more rarely. In addition, sperm in men experiencing severe excitement or anxiety were inactive and deformed.

The reason for this is a physiological mechanism that turns on during stressful situations. When the human body is under stress, the level of the hormone cortisol in the blood increases. Cortisol is a hormone that is responsible for regulating various body functions, including sperm production. With increased cortisol levels, there is a reduction in the synthesis of gonadotropins, hormones that stimulate the sex glands. This leads to a decrease in the number of sperm and a decrease in their motility.

However, as experts emphasize, it is very difficult to understand what exactly was the root cause: infertility as a result of stress, or, conversely, stress occurred as a result of infertility. But in any case, stress management should be the basis of treatment for male infertility.

How can women help their partners? Firstly, it is necessary to show understanding and support and help the man cope with stress. Secondly, scientists recommend that men try to manage their stress. Regular exercise, meditation, yoga, and psychological help can help with this. It is also important to avoid negative factors that can cause stress, such as conflicts at work or in relationships.

It is worth noting that male infertility can be caused by other factors, such as genetic disorders, infections, problems with the immune system, etc. Therefore, if a couple cannot conceive a child within a year, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist and andrologist for an examination both partners and identifying the causes of infertility.

In conclusion, male infertility can be caused by many factors, including stress. A study by Italian scientists found that a man's ability to cope with stress affects his ability to produce sperm. Women can help their partners by being understanding and supportive, and by advising them on ways to manage stress. It is also important to see a doctor if a couple is unable to conceive within a year to identify the causes of infertility and find effective treatment.