How to pump up triceps at home?

No one will dare to doubt that with a pumped-up, strong triceps, the athlete’s arm looks like a cannon. For those who want to have beautiful and strong triceps, there are several options for working them out at home. Perhaps you decided to pump up the triceps muscle at home due to lack of time for the gym, or for other reasons, there is no need to be upset, because at home you can do it no less effectively than in the gym, but without wasting time going to the gym. We will tell you about the best home exercises for the shoulder extensor...

And first, let's look at the basic exercises...

  1. Basic shoulder extensor exercises.
  2. Isolation exercises for the triceps brachii muscle.
  3. Conclusion and conclusion.
  4. Table of contents:

Basic shoulder extensor exercises.

You can train effectively with your own body weight.

The coolest way to pump up your triceps with a minimum cost of equipment and sports equipment is, of course, good old push-ups. But not classic ones, but with a narrow position of the hands, because the narrower the stance, the better the development of the triceps. Ideally, this is when one palm rests on the other, but if you are an inexperienced athlete, then you should not experiment with this - leave such complications for later. When doing extremely narrow push-ups, it is advisable to perform about 4 sets, adjusting the load with repetitions. The advantage of this exercise is that it does not require any additional equipment at all, just a flat place is enough, and you can train...

By taking out two benches or four stools, you can do another exercise with your own body weight. To do this, you need to place them parallel at a distance of about a meter. You need to put your feet on one bench and lean your hands on the other, while gradually bending your elbows and lowering yourself as low as possible, then take the starting position. So you need to do 7 approaches, adjusting the required number of repetitions and breathing deeply. Even famous bodybuilders (for example Arnold Schwarzenegger) practice this option. It is correctly called: “push-ups between the benches.” An excellent tool for pumping up your triceps. Try it and you will definitely like it...

If you have some semblance of a barbell, or a real collapsible one, at home it is quite possible to do a bench press with a narrow grip, which uses all the heads of the triceps muscle. This article of ours describes this in detail - “How to adapt home furniture to work with a barbell.”

When there is no one at home to back up, you need to pick up the bar from a standing position, and then sit on the bench and put it on your lap. When lying down, you need to raise your knees up, taking the barbell from your knees to your hands. Before starting the exercise, the grip of the barbell should be slightly narrower than shoulder width, and then you need to lower the bar to your chest, and to reduce the load on the pectoral muscles, your elbows should go (look) towards your legs. By not spreading them out to the sides and lowering the weight to the lower third of the chest, you can significantly minimize unnecessary tension on other muscle groups, thereby concentrating the work on the shoulder extensor. You need to squeeze the barbell until your arms are completely straightened, not forgetting about proper breathing.

Now let's move on to isolated exercises...

Isolation exercises for the triceps brachii muscle.

But first, it is important to remember that isolated triceps need to be trained only about once a week, because it already works when performing other exercises, for example, with the same push-ups or bench press. All this is necessary to prevent the state of overtraining, which you can read about here. Therefore, the triceps muscle should be worked on days away from push-ups and bench presses, and it is also worth practicing training with varying degrees of intensity: light, medium and heavy. Also, do not forget about a good warm-up before class.

The first will be very easy to do if you have collapsible dumbbells in the house (sooner or later you will need to purchase them). To do this, you need to lie on a bench and relax your back, take dumbbells in your hands with the weight already selected, or replace them with improvised objects, but of the same weight. The distance between hands with weight should be 35-40 cm, palms turned back to face. Then you need to move your hands behind your head with smooth movements, and squeeze them out faster. After doing 3-4 sets of 8-12 repetitions and resting, you can move on to the next exercise.

Take a chair and sit on it, take the dumbbell in your hand in such a way that the back of your hand is directed towards your face, with the other hand hold the elbow of your raised hand from the dumbbells. Thus, you need to perform 8-12 flexion-extensions, repeating 3 more sets. At the same time, make sure that your elbow does not stick out forward, then change your hand and do the same. When lowering, stretch the muscle as much as possible, and when squeezing, make the movement a little faster. For high-quality work, you need about 4 approaches, depending on the desired result. You need to constantly monitor your breathing and well-being.

The following exercise will help you pump up your triceps at home. To do this, you need to go to the wall, lean on it with one hand or on a high bench, with the other hand and take a dumbbell, and the palm should be turned with the back side towards you. From this position, smoothly move the dumbbell back - “Kick back”, while you need to feel the working shoulder extensor. To be effective, the elbow joint must be pressed to the torso and completely immobilized, only the hand and triceps muscle should work. The number of approaches should be adjusted according to how you feel, it is advisable to do 3.

Conclusion and conclusion.

Try to perform all of the above exercises efficiently for some long time, but not all at once, but by combining and changing, then you will certainly be able to pump up the triceps muscle even in your own home conditions.

Table of contents:

  1. Basic exercises
  2. Isolation exercises.
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