Movement Free

Voluntary movement is a state of consciousness when a person can consciously control his actions and thoughts, which gives him greater freedom of choice and self-control. This state is characterized by complete control over all emotions, feelings and behavior, as well as awareness of one’s thoughts and sensations. This allows a person to be more effective and confident in their actions, while at the same time giving them the opportunity for deep self-knowledge and development.

In today's world, where stress, anxiety and mental illness have become increasingly common, voluntary movement can be especially beneficial. It helps reduce stress and anxiety, improve mood and overall health, and increase energy and concentration. In addition, voluntary movement can also help people overcome bad habits such as smoking and drinking alcohol, as well as cope with negative emotions such as anger and resentment.

How does the process of voluntary movement occur? In voluntary movement, a person ceases to limit himself, surrendering to his inner essence. He lets go of his mind and frees his consciousness, becoming open to new and interesting experiences. The process of voluntary movement can be started with simple exercises such as meditation, deep breathing or yoga. You can also consult a specialist or read literature on voluntary movement to get additional tips and recommendations.

The benefits of voluntary movement include increased awareness, improved mood, greater self-awareness, and a greater sense of well-being and happiness. People who regularly practice voluntary movement experience greater joy in life, relax and cope better with daily stressful situations.

Examples of voluntary movement may include mindful eating, mindful walking, mindfulness at work, and mindfulness at home. You can start to wake up consciously in the morning by going outside and simply enjoying nature. You may notice the smell of flowers on a walk or find yourself pausing while stopping at a