
Echo rhythm is a reflex process that occurs in the human body when exposed to various external factors (for example, changes in the environment). This mechanism ensures rapid and effective adaptation of the body to changes in its environment. A characteristic sign of echo rhythm is the appearance of palpitations and an increase in heart rate. If this mechanism is disrupted, processes in the body may fail, which can lead to various diseases and disruptions in the functioning of organs and systems. Echo rhythm plays an important role for the proper functioning of the heart and the entire body as a whole, so you need to know as much as possible about it and take care of yourself, taking into account and analyzing the heart rate and its rhythm.

Echo rhythm is the process of synchronizing the contraction of the heart muscle with the pulse rhythm. This is explained by the fact that the heart works in a pulse rhythm that occurs when a large amount of blood is taken into the circulatory system. Frequency change