Em- (Meat-)

Um- (Et-) prefix.

The prefix em- (et-) means “in”, “inside”, “between”. It is formed from the Indo-European root *em- “inside, between” and is one of the most common prefixes in the Russian language.

In its meaning, the prefix em- (em-) is close to the prefix en- (enn-), but differs from it in that it does not mean “one of two” or “incomplete”. Instead, it refers to the presence of something within, between, or between something. For example, in the word “empyrean” the prefix em- indicates that the empyrean is a place inside the atmosphere, and not on the surface.

On the other hand, the prefix et- is used to denote something that is between two objects or phenomena. For example, the word “ethnic” means “belonging to a particular ethnic group.”

Thus, the prefix em- (et-) is one of the most common and important in the Russian language, and its use allows you to accurately and clearly express your thoughts and ideas.

Um- (et-) prefix. Et- is usually used in a truncated form or in the form of E-, it has the meaning of transition between types. Example: bark-barked. According to Vasmer's Etymological Dictionary, the letter E corresponds to “-at-” in the word barked; the root is the same as in bark (dln-). Proto-Slavic phenomenon.