Episcleritis Migratory

Episcleritis migrans (Russian e.\) is called acute inflammation of the orbital connective tissue membranes or their membranes on the side of the anterior surface of the sclera. In some cases, this condition is called acute adenophlebitis. It is characterized by a varied clinical picture and heterogeneity of the pathological process, sometimes of a systemic nature.

Episcleritis (ex scleera - “from the sclera”, in turn, comes from scleros - “hard”, “fragile” in Latin) is an inflammation of the anterior (convex) membrane of the eye, which has its own name - the sclera.

Causes of the disease. The etiology and pathogenesis of the disease are not fully understood. The leading role in the development of the disease is assigned to bacteria and viruses in combination with allergens. But, apparently, the significance of the interaction of microorganisms and allergic factors in inflammatory diseases of the orbit is constantly being rethought