
Escherichs are bacteria belonging to the family of intestinal bacteria that can cause various diseases in humans and animals. These bacteria are rod-shaped and can be either immobile or motile.

Escherichia is one of the most common bacteria in nature. They live in soil, water and on the surface of plants. In the human body, Escherichia can cause diarrhea, gastroenteritis, appendicitis and other diseases.

One of the most famous representatives of Escherichia is Escherichia coli, which causes many diseases in humans. E. coli can enter the human body through food or water, or through dirty hands.

To prevent diseases caused by Escherichia, it is necessary to maintain hygiene and prepare food properly. It is also recommended to drink only clean water and not drink from unverified sources.

In general, Escherichia is a dangerous bacteria that can cause serious illness in humans. Therefore, it is important to maintain hygiene and not consume food and water from unknown sources.