Female jealousy affects vision

Female jealousy greatly influences the fair sex's visual perception of the environment. Such conclusions were made by American scientists from the University of Delaware and published in the April issue of the journal Emotion.

Psychologists conducted an experiment in which heterosexual couples participated. Women had to look at beautiful images of landscapes on computer monitors, which alternated with not-so-nice pictures. And at that moment the men were also looking at attractive landscapes on their own computers, but at a certain point the experts asked them to switch to evaluating photographs of sexy girls.

During this time, women had to assess the degree of their irritation with the fact that their men were staring at the pictures of other women. The results of this study showed that the more irritated a representative of the fair sex felt, the worse she coped with the task assigned to her to select beautiful images of landscapes.

According to scientists, their research reveals a direct connection between social relationships and the ability to perceive information from the outside. In the near future, a similar experiment will be conducted with men.