Fracture Intentional (Diaclasia)

A Diaclasia fracture is a fracture performed intentionally by a surgeon to correct a bone deformity that usually develops as a result of malunion or improper treatment of the fracture.

This type of fracture is performed in cases where, after injury and treatment of the fracture, the bone has healed incorrectly and a deformity has developed. This can lead to impaired limb function, pain and other complications.

To correct the deformity, the surgeon deliberately breaks the bone in the same location as the original fracture. Then the bone fragments are brought into the correct position and fixed using plates, screws, rods or external fixation devices. After this, the bone grows together without deformation.

Thus, an intentional fracture can correct the complications of a malunion of a fracture and restore the anatomical integrity and functionality of the injured limb.

**Fracture** is a damage less than 3 cm long, in which the integrity of only the outer layers of the bone body is broken. The fracture heals very quickly, without any complications. Fractures can be closed or open with a wound at the fracture site.

__Intentional Fracture (lat. Diaclasis intenstus) is a fracture of the radius and ulna bones of the forearm, which is the result of an improperly healed fracture or improper treatment of previous treatment. Such fractures often occur in patients with osteoporosis, diabetes

An intentional fracture or diaclasia is the same as intentional fractures. Diaclasia is the most advanced method of revascularization of the leg stump. It is considered safe for the patient and an effective way to restore blood circulation in injured tissues. Alternative intervention options are also often used - endovascular replasty, angioplasty or leg amputation. The choice of method depends on the location of the damage to the venous vessel and the presence of atherosclerosis of the arteries.

The first operations on vein revascularization for arterial complications were carried out in the middle of the 20th century.