
The word “frontal” is often used in medical and linguistic terminology. It is derived from the Latin "frontalis", which means "frontal". The origin of the term is related to the location of the area of ​​the brain that determines speech, writing and learning abilities. This area is located in the front of the head, so the term “frontal” means that the ability to learn and carry out these activities lies at the core of personality, since in general, physical or mental abilities in people cannot be localized clearly and completely, but they are all connected with the capabilities of the brain.

The word “frontal thinking” is widely used today among cognitive skills teachers and trainers. For example, this word is used during training in thinking and learning problems that require the use of abstract concepts, such as solving multi-factor mathematical problems and the like. Physical subjects such as construction, engineering, art or technical sciences may also use the term "front task". This means that the problem requires practical, logical and abstract thinking to solve it. Additionally, the term is used in clinical studies that investigate the effectiveness of treatment as well as the development of a therapeutic approach. However, it is worth noting that using this term correctly, especially in clinical practice, is difficult, since there are many types of diseases and disorders for which different therapeutic methods are used, despite the fact that we often use the term “psychiatry” as a synonym for “clinical” psychotherapy” - this example demonstrates the ambiguity of the use of this term. He can