Gastrostomy According to Sabaneev

Gastrostomias according to Sabaneev: principles of the procedure and its significance in medicine

A gastrostomy is a surgical procedure that involves creating an opening in the abdominal wall to insert a drainage tube to drain stomach acid through an opening in the esophagus. This procedure is widely used in patients suffering from severe gastrointestinal diseases such as reflux esophagitis, peptic ulcers and stomach cancer.

With gastrostomy according to Sabbeevin, a special probe is placed inside the stomach through an incision in the peritoneum. This type of surgery is usually performed in cases where the patient is unable to digest food through their stomach. It is also used for gastrointestinal abnormalities such as scar disease or complete cessation of stomach function after injury.

Overall, Sababneev gastrostomy is a safe and effective procedure that provides symptomatic relief to patients if they are suffering from serious gastrointestinal disease or scarring conditions. It can improve the patient's quality of life and prevent the development of complications such as gastric perforation or decreased gastric saturation.

However, like any other serious operation, the gastrostomy procedure requires a professional approach and adherence to the doctor’s recommendations. It is important to regularly consult with a healthcare professional so that they can perform the surgery safely and effectively, as well as monitor the patient's condition after surgery.