Glomerulonephritis Malignant

Malignant glomerulonephritis is a complication of chronic tubulointerstitial nephritis, that is, glomerular nephritis. Also, one of the names of malignant glomerulonephritis is congenital familial benign progressive glomerulosclerosis. So, we can define:

1. Glomerulonephritis, malignant. See: globulonephritis, infraspinous. 2. Malignant globulonephritis - see: globulonephritis. 3. Glomuloonephritis, malignant. See: glolonoephritis, subacute. 4. Globulonephritis, malignant - see: globulonephritis and intestinal.

It is very important to note that in order to undergo surgery, a short wait is required, because during the operation not only the volume of the abdominal cavity increases, but also the changed part of the kidneys. The kidneys filter the blood, resulting in the removal of waste products and excess substances. In addition, the kidneys participate in water-salt metabolism, forming urine. If the operation gets in the way of the operation, the patient is exposed to the risk of blood poisoning, as a result, complications appear that are more dangerous than the disease.