Hot tumors in the stomach

Hot tumors form in the stomach due to known causes of hot tumors, which include prolonged pain. Hot tumors in the stomach are either bloody or yellow gall.

Signs of hot tumors in the stomach. When pain in the stomach continues for a long time and does not go away even with good treatment, then we can assume that there is a tumor there. At the same time, a hot tumor is also sometimes indicated by significant burning and severe burning, thirst, persistent fever, stabbing pain and protrusion of the stomach; sometimes it leads to stupefaction, to sarsam and to melancholy. If the body loses weight, the eyes sag, the nature dissolves, diarrhea and vomiting often occur, the fever stops, the amount of urine decreases and the stomach becomes so hard that it does not give in under the fingers, it means that the tumor has turned into an abscess. If, with pain in the stomach, a cold snap also occurs limbs, then this is a bad sign.

Treatment. If you assume, due to strong burning and burning, that a hot tumor has appeared or will appear in the stomach, then the most careful thing to do at the beginning of the disease is to hurry to disperse it by rubbing, for example, quince oil into the stomach area and applying bandages with quince, pumpkin peels, garden purslane, barley flour and substances acting in the same way, although abstinence and the administration of delicate food and a light regime are more beneficial for such patients. When treating a hot stomach tumor, beware of using strong laxatives or emetics against it: vomiting in such cases is dangerous. As for bloodletting, in most cases it cannot be avoided. Beware of forcibly inducing weakness and vomiting and limit yourself to medications and foods that soften the nature, such as barley, mung bean, quinoa, pumpkin. And let the medicine that softens the nature be, for example, the laxative cassia: in this disease it is not dangerous to perform a bowel movement with the laxative cassia, because it helps against swelling and dries out the matter. Sometimes iyaraja and sabura are mixed with the laxative cassia, one danak or even half a dirham, and it is better to drink the laxative cassia with chicory juice; It also happens that a little bitter wormwood is put in it, because wormwood is useful for its astringent effect. Some people use myrobalans for a tumor in the stomach, but as for me, I am not inclined to this, unless the tumor is doubtful; when the tumor becomes obvious, then myrobalans should not be consumed. Often such patients are given sikanjubip with scammonium resin, but I do not approve of this, and if such a remedy cannot be dispensed with, then it is better to give sabur in the amount of a misqal or so with sikanjubip, although it is still preferable to abstain from this as much as possible.

Among the useful laxatives at the beginning of the disease is the following: take nightshade juice and chicory juice for two uqiyas, the pulp of the laxative cassia three dirhams, pumpkin oil and almond oil each for two dirhams, and give this to the patient; With this medicine, without ceasing, they soften the nature, if it is dry, until the seventh day. One should not dare to drink a lot of cold water and generally drink pure water; it should be mixed with julab or thickly brewed fruit juice; abstaining from food is one of the very useful measures for such patients. If the pain gets very intense, you should give them this medicine: three dirhams of qissa seeds with cold water or snow water. They also give them to drink candy sugar diluted in water, which is of great benefit, and dandelion juice and apply dressings prepared with green dates, kasb dates, pomegranate flowers, hiyufastidas and wormwood; If you apply such a bandage, it prevents the tumor from spreading to all parts of the stomach. While the fever in the tumor continues, even after the seventh day of illness, do not stop giving chicory juice, nightshade juice, bladder cherry juice and dandelion juice, and when the seventh day has passed, mix in up to half a dirham of rose cakes and a little squeezed wormwood juice and mastica. Add fennel and celery juice as well. The food of such patients until the seventh day should be peeled mung bean, kataf, sarmak and pumpkin with almond oil or oil of unripe olives, and the drink of julab, plum juice, squeezed chicory and dandelion juice at the end of the seven-day period should be mixed with mastic and squeezed bitter wormwood juice. After the seventh day, substances that purify and somewhat promote ripening are added to the food, for example, beets or bindweed; at this time, a drink of shikanjubin is also given, and sometimes it is given a few days earlier; They are often given it with the juice of violet jam, if there is no severe, painful nausea, and this is continued until the fourteenth day. When the burning calms down and the swelling becomes softer, the time comes to cause resorption, and after the swelling has subsided somewhat, you introduce mastic and bitter wormwood into medicinal dressings and prescribe a drink of shikanjubin without any fear. Sometimes the laxative cassia with fennel and celery juice and sweet almond oil is given to drink until the end of the disease.

When the time comes during treatment to soften the tumor and cause resorption, it would be right for you not to limit yourself to any of these actions. No, mix softening medicines with astringents, because limiting yourself to softening is very dangerous, and often the patient ends up on the verge of death because of this, no matter whether the medicines are taken as drinks or applied to the stomach area from the outside; the stomach suffers more from this than the liver. Good astringents in this case are substances that have some incense, for example, mastic, rose, galls, sukk, pomegranate flowers and the ends of the branches of Mary and Monk trees, as well as oils, for example egg oil, quince oil, mastic oil, spikenard oil , apple oil and unripe olive oil. In summer and at the beginning of the disease, you should rather use rose oil, unripe olive oil, quince oil and apple oil for plasters on the stomach area, and in winter and at the time when resorption is caused, spikenard oil; dill oil, chamomile oil, iris oil or mastic oil between summer and winter.

Description of good medicinal dressings at the beginning of the disease, at the end of it and when it intensifies. A medicinal dressing that is useful at such a time and before: take barley flour, cloves, areca palm fruits and water lilies, one uqiya each, a red rose, one and a half uqiya, saffron, half a uqiya, violets, fifteen, tragacanth, five, marshmallow, chamomile, ten each, sandalwood, fifteen , mastic, acacia, pomegranate flowers, five each, wax and rose oil, enough to bind these substances. Another excellent medicinal dressing for the onset of tumor formation: licorice root, sweet clover, wax and violet oil. Do not apply bandages if the stomach is too soft; it is first corrected and then a bandage is applied.

Another bandage. One of the excellent medicinal dressings used during the end of the disease and before its decline is prepared as follows: take inflorescences of medicinal chamomile, medicinal sweet clover, Rum wormwood, sumbul, marshmallow root, sandalwood, areca palm fruits, saffron, laurel drupes and similar substances and they add to them first astringents, and at the end of the disease, dissolving ones.

Another bandage. Among the good dressings that promote the ripening of hot and erysipelas tumors, when they want to cause resorption, is the following: take roses, the ends of the stems of bitter wormwood, the ends of the stems of tenacious, the outer peel of citron, mastic, incense, one and a half parts each, quince, young dates, saffron , sabur, myrrh, one part each, wax, medicinal chamomile oil and spikenard oil, ten parts each.

If the cause of the swelling is previous pain, which should be treated with thinning drugs, then when it comes to swelling, you should stop using thinning drugs and limit yourself to painkillers, for example, duck and chicken fat. If the tumor is old, then give them lozenges with sumbul to drink and apply a bandage with bdelium and ban seeds, mentioned in the Pharmacopoeia. One of the useful remedies for this is wax ointment with balsamic oil, sabur and white wax: you should also use Galen's wax ointment, mentioned in the paragraph on weak stomach. A bandage with medicinal clover also helps a lot. This also includes the following dressing: take medicinal chamomile, pomegranate flowers, flaxseed, sweet clover and marshmallow and apply a bandage or poultice from this, or pour a decoction of these medicines over the stomach area. Here is one of the medicines that are given for this disease: roses ten dirhams, aloe two dirhams, mastic three dirhams, chicory seeds and dodder three dirhams each; It is given to drink with camphor for inflamed tumors.

Another bandage. Or they take three istars of the laxative cassia and boil it in a ritl of water until the quantity returns to half, then strain the broth, add one uskurraj of bladder cherry juice, let it boil once and add half a dirham of bitter iyaraj; The strong patient is given the whole thing to drink, and the weak one half. If you need a stronger remedy, add dill, flaxseed and fenugreek to the decoction, and if you need something even stronger, add cabbage seeds, usshak, deer bone marrow and chicken fat. Sometimes a medicinal bandage of Filagarius and a yellow medicinal bandage are needed; at such times it is often necessary to give lozenges with bdelium to drink.

Among the useful plaster at this time is a plaster of this kind: take wax and spikenard oil, one uqiya, mastic, sabur, syti and rushnik, each a mithqal, bdelli, diluted in wine, three dirhams; medications are bound in the same way as when making patches. If weakening is observed, then sometimes it is necessary to add squeezed juice of unripe grapes or squeezed juice of wormwood to these substances, or add both together.

We say: it is a big mistake to tolerate a tumor for a long time and constantly treat it with cooling agents; in this case, the tumor is on the way to turning into an abscess, but it is not allowed to mature; this needs to be kept in mind. It is said that a necklace made of basilis stones, if hung so that it touches the stomach area, is very helpful for pain and swelling in the stomach. We devote a special paragraph to the treatment of a tumor when it turns into an abscess or an abscess. If the tumor is yellow gall, then at the beginning it should be strongly cooled with well-known cooling bandages, to which sandalwood, camphor, rose and the like are added, and the patient should be given barley water with sweet and sour pomegranate juice, in which crayfish were boiled. A few days after this, nightshade juice and chicory juice are prescribed, and then towards the end of the disease, fennel juice is mixed with nightshade juice and chicory juice.