Green tea

Green tea is produced in Russia and the Netherlands by Alcoy pharmaceutical company and Natur Product Europe B.V. respectively.

Green tea belongs to the group of biologically active food additives for people controlling body weight.

The international name of this product is Green tea.

Also used as a synonym - Green tea extract.

Green tea: a real means of preventing many diseases

The Japanese are known for their longevity, and the food culture that is one of the reasons for this includes multi-oceanic fish, soy and green tea. Green tea has anti-cancer effects and other medicinal properties, however, in Russia it is not as popular as in Japan, and is often brewed incorrectly, losing its beneficial properties.

Dr. Pestrikov Vyacheslav Aleksandrovich talks about how to properly brew green tea in order to preserve all its medicinal properties. Boiling water should be in contact with crushed tea leaves for no more than 20 seconds to remove harmful substances and tannin, which gives a bitter taste. To brew green tea, you need to use perfectly clean water, which can be obtained by passing it through a good filter, letting it sit for 24 hours, or using melt water after freezing in the refrigerator.

The method for brewing green tea is simple. You need to take two one-liter containers, one of which should be a teapot with a spout. Then, you need to take green tea (1 teaspoon per glass of water) and put it in a container with a spout. Pour boiling water over the tea, doing this in 10 seconds, and immediately begin pouring it through the spout into the second container, doing so in the next 10 seconds. The contact time between tea and boiling water should not exceed 20 seconds.

Green tea prepared using this method acquires a rich amber color and a breathtaking aroma. It should not be drunk with sugar, so as not to distort the aromatic bouquet. This is a completely affordable means of preventing not only cancer, but also many other diseases.

In addition, green tea is a rich source of antioxidants, which help protect the body from free radicals that cause aging and many diseases. It also improves cardiovascular function, lowers blood cholesterol, increases energy levels and improves brain function.

Thus, green tea is a real means of preventing many diseases and can be a useful addition to a healthy lifestyle. Don't forget to prepare it correctly to preserve all its medicinal properties. Drink to your health!