
Heminephrectomy is the operation of removing one of the kidneys (usually the right one), as a result of which the kidney is separated from the entire complex of renal vessels and tissues located between them. Heminephrectomy is performed in many cases, including kidney tumors, urinary tract infections, cysts, and abnormalities of the urinary system. The operation is associated with great risk and is often accompanied by complications.

However, heminefrectome removal of the kidney allows the upper half of the ureter (urachus and urethra) to be preserved. This significantly reduces the risk of complications from the urinary system and avoids removal of the bladder or ureter after surgery.

Indications for heminephrectomy are the presence of ureteral obstruction, stones, and tumors of the upper urinary tract. In this case, the operation is performed to facilitate the drainage of urine from the second kidney.