Nutritional supplements

Food additives are substances that are added to food products at the production stage to give them certain properties and qualities. They can be natural or artificial and their purpose is to improve the taste, texture, color, aroma or extend the shelf life of the product.

In some cases, food additives can be helpful, such as stabilizers that prevent foods from separating, antioxidants that protect foods from oxidation, or preservatives that extend shelf life. However, in other cases they can be harmful to health, especially if they contain harmful chemicals or have not been tested for safety.

It is important to know what food additives are in the foods we eat and how they affect our health. Many dietary supplements have little scientific basis, and they can cause allergic reactions, digestive problems, and other illnesses. Therefore, it is important to choose products that contain only natural ingredients and avoid products that contain large amounts of food additives.

Thus, dietary supplements can have both positive and negative effects on human health, and therefore it is important to know what exactly we eat and how it affects our body.

Food additives are chemical compounds added to food to improve its quality or give it a certain taste and smell. They can be natural (plant, fruit extracts) or synthetic (flavors, dyes, preservatives). One of the most common types of food additives are flavor enhancers (glutamates), which are used in fast food products to imitate the taste of meat, fish, mushrooms and other foods.

Dietary additives may be safe, but they can also cause allergic reactions and other health problems. Some additives are considered carcinogens, that is, substances