Surgical Hammer

A surgical hammer is a special instrument that is used in medicine to perform surgical operations. It is a hammer with a metal handle and a striker, which has a rubber pad. The rubber pad serves to reduce the impact on the patient's tissues and organs.

A surgical hammer is used in conjunction with a chisel. A chisel is a wedge-shaped tool used to remove tissue. The surgical hammer helps control the force of the chisel's impact and prevents tissue damage.

During surgery, the surgeon uses a surgical hammer to create holes in the body tissue. Instruments such as needles or catheters are then inserted into these holes to perform various procedures.

The use of a surgical hammer is an important step in surgical operations, as it helps prevent damage to the patient's tissues and organs and ensures the accuracy and safety of the operation.

A surgical hammer is a tool that is used in medicine to perform various operations. It has a metal handle and a rubber tip, making it safer to use.

This instrument is used to remove small tissue from a patient's body, such as when removing tumors. A surgical hammer allows you to do this quickly and safely, without the risk of damaging surrounding tissue.

However, it should be noted that the use of a surgical hammer may involve the risk of damaging adjacent tissue, so care must be taken when using it. In addition, to minimize the risk of tissue damage, it is recommended to use a special manual surgery technique rather than a surgical hammer.

In other words, the surgical hammer is an important tool in medicine, but its use should be strictly limited and performed by experienced professionals.