Cool shades of foundation

How to determine the correct shade of foundation in 2 seconds -

Finding the perfect foundation is quite difficult. It's difficult to choose the right texture for your skin type, but even more difficult to choose the right shade. We will teach you how to cope with this task in just 2 seconds!

All you need to do is look at your wrist. What color are your veins? They may be greenish (olive) - and this means that you have a warm undertone. They can be blue - then you have a pink, cool undertone. If there are two shades, both olive and blue, you have a neutral undertone. Now choosing a foundation will be easier.

It is important to remember that undertone is not the same as tone. Skin tone is determined by the level of darkness and depends on how the skin reacts to the sun. Typically, skin tone is categorized as light, medium, and dark. The undertone demonstrates the natural color of the skin, which does not change depending on the time of year.

Those with warm undertones should opt for foundations with a golden or yellow base. Cool undertones are best emphasized by foundations with hints of pink. If your undertone is neutral, choose something between a warm foundation shade and a cool shade, such as shades like Buff, Nude or light Ivory.

It is best to test foundations not on the wrist, but on the chin. Take three more or less suitable shades in your opinion and apply them in a thick layer parallel to each other. One of the shades will definitely blend with your skin - it will be “the one.”

How to determine the correct shade of foundation in 2 seconds was last modified: October 25th, 2016 by Olga Kulygina

How to choose the perfect shade of foundation?

No matter how much we love bright lipsticks or perfect eyeliner, makeup really makes the tone of the face. We won’t remind you now how important it is to get enough sleep, not to be nervous and to eat a balanced diet, you already know this very well. Now let’s talk about how to choose the right foundation, because even the most ideal composition, texture and luxury of the brand will not save you if the color was chosen incorrectly.

Guest consultant of this brand Anton Zabolotny told us how to choose the right foundation using the example of the Le teint touche eclat foundation palette from Yves Saint Laurent during the traditional April meeting of Studio Lumier from Yves Saint Laurent.

© Vladimir Shevchuk,

“First of all, we need to decide which foundation texture we like best. What should our ideal product be: powdery, matte, glossy, transparent. and only then do we start choosing a shade,” shares Anton Zabolotny.

“As you know, each tonal product corresponds to a specific number: 00, 2, 5, 40. This can be any number. These numbers tell us about the intensity of the pigment in the foundation,” the expert continued. So, in the line of Le teint touche eclat foundations there are 22 shades, but in Ukraine there are slightly fewer - 16. All these shades not only vary in intensity, they are also divided into shades of warm and cold ranges.

© Vladimir Shevchuk,

“In our palette there are foundations marked B (Beige) - these are natural beige shades, but if you see the letters BD (Beige Doré) next to the number indicating the intensity, then you have a warmer, golden shade, and if BR (Beige Rosé) is a cool shade with a hint of pink,” explained the YSL beauty expert.

In order to understand which color is ideal for you, the expert advises choosing the three closest shades to your skin color and applying them to your face. Don't forget to thoroughly cleanse your skin of makeup first.

© Vladimir Shevchuk,

“We select the shade of foundation based on the chin and cheekbone rule: that is, we apply three shades of foundation that seem most suitable to us in stripes on the cheekbone and chin, and choose the one that looks more harmonious with our skin tone,” the expert explained.

By the way, it’s better to determine which color fits perfectly in natural light, so don’t be shy to leave the store and try to go in search of the perfect tone during the day.

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How to choose a foundation

All makeup depends on the right choice of foundation. Foundation will help correct the shape of the face and improve its color, as well as hide skin imperfections. In winter it will protect your skin from the cold, and in spring from the appearance of freckles.

Let's figure out how to choose a foundation:

First and most importantly, focus on your skin type. Of course, you can try your girlfriend’s foundation, but you can always use only the cream that suits you.

Liquid foundation is suitable for all skin types.

If you have oily skin, it is better to choose compact powder or liquid cream with salicylic acid, which dries out the skin and prevents the formation of pimples.

For dry skin, it is better to use a compact oil-based cream - it nourishes well and protects the skin from the cold.

Now there is powder with hydrocapsules. It is suitable for any skin. This powder lasts a long time and moisturizes the skin well.

The second thing you definitely need to consider when choosing a foundation is its color. Choose a foundation that is either exactly the same color as your skin, or a little lighter. There is nothing more vulgar than a dark face with light skin on the arms and neck.

But shades of foundation can slightly change facial features.

If you use peach shades, then this foundation is ideal for pale skin and looks very good in sunlight.

A cream with pinkish tints is good for sallow complexions.

To hide pimples and inflammation, choose a foundation with greenish tints. If you blush easily, this cream will help hide it a little.

For evening makeup, a radiant base is suitable.

To correct the shape of the face, professional makeup artists use the following rule: dark and cold tones visually reduce, and light and warm tones add volume.

That is, if you have wide cheekbones and you want to visually reduce them a little, then apply a foundation of a darker shade on them, then on the rest of your face.

To find the right color that will perfectly match your face, apply a little foundation color to your chin. Try to check the tone in daylight. Store lighting can greatly distort color. So I advise you not to rush when buying. First, apply a spot of cream on your face, go outside and see if the shade suits you.

To hide imperfections such as pimples, age spots, and bruises, spot correctors are used. Correctors come in liquid and creamy pencil form.

To ensure that your foundation lies on your face in an even layer, first apply a light moisturizer and let it absorb for 10 minutes.

How to choose colors and shades of foundation

  1. Shades of foundation according to classification
  2. How to find out your color type?
  3. How to choose the color of foundation for yourself?

Girls should approach the choice of foundation with all seriousness. Criteria such as the colors of the foundation, their compatibility with your color type, the composition and functions of the cream are important here.

In terms of its properties, foundation is similar to powder - it mattifies the skin or gives it a slight glow, and most importantly, it hides minor imperfections and evens out the tone of the face. Therefore, the main shades of foundation of any brand will resemble the skin colors of girls and women of different nationalities.

But before choosing a “camouflage” product, you need to decide which shades of foundation colors are right for you: cold or warm.

Cool tones

In cold tones of camouflage cosmetics, shades such as bluish or pinkish are mixed into the main color of the facial skin.

As a rule, girls with pale skin and Asian appearance have a cold color type.

Warm colors

The warm palette includes creams in which the base skin color is combined with golden, yellowish, brownish - warm shades. Many mulatto girls are born with a warm skin color type.

To determine which color type you are, place your wrist in direct sunlight and look closely at your blood vessels. If the wreaths on your hands appear in blue, you are the owner of a cold color type, if in green, you are warm.

It is better not to use foundations of a color type that does not suit you.

So, if a “cold type” girl uses a warm tone, her face will look like a sculpted ugly mask. And after applying cold-colored skin to “warm” skin, the face will acquire a pale, sickly tint.

Another common mistake is buying a dark foundation and applying it to give the skin a tanned, sunny look. In this case, it is recommended to give preference to self-tanning or going to a solarium.

Determining which tone to give preference to when choosing a concealer does not end with the selection rules. Here are a few more rules that will help you learn how to choose the right foundation color:

  1. Never test cream on your wrist or cheeks. The best body part for orientation is the chin. Lightly rub a drop of the substance onto it and wait a couple of seconds - if the shade is “absorbed” into your complexion, then it’s yours. It is equally important to apply foundation correctly, using a brush or sponge rather than your finger.
  2. When choosing a foundation, also be guided by your skin type: dry, oily or combination. For dry skin, you need to choose creams with a radiant and moisturizing effect, for oily skin, heavy cream-powders with a mattifying effect, and for combination skin, light mousses with a weightless texture.
  3. Depending on your age, choose foundations with lifting capabilities that will not only disguise unwanted spots, but also give your face a firmer look and a wrinkle-smoothing effect.

Those with problem skin are especially “lucky”: when they decide to choose foundation colors, they simultaneously choose a product to care for problem areas. For example, the latest innovation in cosmetology are BB creams that moisturize the skin, mattify it, and contain vitamins and minerals to keep it healthy. And most importantly, they have a breathable structure that allows the pores to remain clean and not clogged throughout the day.


Cosmetics for tinting the skin are of great importance in creating an attractive female image. Mattifying cream restores a fresh look, hides minor imperfections, and provides skin protection. In our review, we will answer frequently asked questions about how to choose the right foundation for your face.

Mattifying creams of various colors perform important functions in the daily life of the fair sex. Creams effectively improve the complexion of the face, smooth out imperfections, and reliably protect from wind and sunlight. Let's consider the main criteria for choosing foundations.

Choosing a foundation shade based on skin color

Variations of foundations must be selected in accordance with your skin tone. Many customers ask for clarification on how to optimally choose the color and tone of foundation. Now we will figure out together how to choose a foundation model that matches your skin color. The main colors of the skin include the following options:

The range of tones of the foundation should be in harmony with the tone of your skin. Correctly determining the color scheme of the skin greatly simplifies the selection of matting cream.


The warm tone is distinguished by a slightly yellowish tint in sunlight and a greenish tint to the veins.
Cool tones are characterized by bluish skin tones in sunlight and violet-blue tones in the veins. Those with neutral skin color may experience greenish skin tone and green or bluish veins in sunlight.

When choosing a color scheme for fair skin, choose the lightest foundation models. The effect of tanned skin given by darker colors will not look very aesthetically pleasing. Therefore, take a closer look at shades called “ivory” and “porcelain”. It is permissible to choose an option one step darker. Makeup experts recommend choosing a cool color palette.

For women with dark skin, we recommend giving preference to warm shades. For example, peach, caramel, golden and chocolate. When making your final decision, it is better to choose a tone that is a notch lighter.

The presence of a neutral color makes it possible to use a light and dark palette of creams. You can safely experiment in finding your own option.

Choosing foundation based on skin type

Now we will tell you which foundation to choose depending on your skin type. In the Inglot online store you can buy foundation for dry, oily, combination and problem skin.

So, what is the right foundation for a face with dry skin? First of all, it should be a moisturizing foundation. The composition of the cosmetic product includes the required amount of moisturizing components that ensure effective saturation of the epidermis with moisture.

In addition, the cream contains a large number of nutritional components that compensate for the lack of vitamins and microelements. This factor is especially important for mature women who experience great discomfort from constant dry skin.

Before purchasing a cream for dry skin, be sure to read its composition. The product you purchase must contain the following components:

one or more types of vegetable oil. Oils perfectly protect the skin from moisture evaporation and environmental influences;

a number of vitamins and microelements;

a line of extracts and extracts made on the basis of a variety of medicinal plants.


Here are the main features of mattifying cosmetics for oily skin:

products should not contain oils or fats. Only a water or gel base is used;

the presence of lanolin or isopropyl myristate, which contribute to clogging of pores and cause acne, is unacceptable;

You should beware of the presence of microparticles of minerals, chemical dyes, flavors, preservatives and alcohol-containing liquids. These substances enhance the production of fats;

Various types of plant extracts based on medicinal plants are very useful. They promote the effective activity of the sebaceous glands;

the presence of minerals can give the skin a matte tone and protect it from ultraviolet radiation;

We advise mature women to opt for a cream with a lighter consistency, characterized by the presence of a tightening and rejuvenating effect in combination with a lifting option.

If you have combination skin, it is more difficult to choose the best foundation option. This is due to the presence of dry and oily areas on the face, which require different compositions of the cosmetic product. Therefore, in this case, it is necessary to choose universal solutions, the packaging of which contains an inscription indicating that they are intended for combination or mixed skin.

Since the universal product combines components for different types of skin, you should carefully read the composition of the cream and give preference to the solution with the most suitable design for you. It is best to buy a foundation with a lighter base with a small amount of oils and fats. The selected option should not contain components that can clog pores.

Most women who consider their skin problematic cite various signs of existing problems. Some people think that their skin is too oily. Some people feel that their skin is excessively dry. We have already described the criteria for choosing a cream for these skin types above.

Makeup experts consider the following factors problematic:

chronic rashes, redness and irritation - it is necessary to use foundation on the lightest possible basis. Before use, thoroughly wipe your face with a soothing lotion;

presence of freckles - choose a mattifying product based on the effect of tanning or self-tanning. Adjust the result with powder;

the presence of deep wrinkles - you should give preference to a cream with a very fatty and nourishing composition that can hide wrinkles well.

Foundation texture

The use of liquid foundation allows you to perfectly even out the skin tone and hide minor defects. However, in the presence of scars, scars, enlarged pores, the liquid texture is not applicable. On the contrary, it will highlight existing shortcomings. Therefore, in this case, you should use a cosmetic product with the most dense texture.

For women with dry skin, a cream with a thick consistency is more suitable. Having oily skin requires the use of a composition with a liquid and light texture. In the warm season, give preference to lighter options, and in the cold season, give preference to cream with a dense consistency.


Very often, girls face problems when choosing a foundation, since it must not only flawlessly mask any imperfections, but also even out the tone of the face, as well as suit the skin type. The beauty of all makeup as a whole will directly depend on how correctly the foundation is chosen.

Popular range

When making foundations, manufacturers often produce many different shades for each line of cosmetic product. Their number can sometimes reach fifteen to twenty or more.

The most popular shades, which are usually presented in all the most famous brands, are peach, sand beige, ivory, golden beige (“light tan”), juicy sunny, porcelain, porcelain color (without yellow), green with a yellow undertone, as well as without yellowness, sand, caramel and many others.


Note: Even if the foundation comes in a transparent container, there is no way to determine how it will look on your skin. You won’t be able to choose a shade of cream from a palette in a magazine. The selection of foundation can only be done by applying different shades of the product to your skin. This can be done in specialized cosmetic stores, in the windows of which there are samples of each cosmetic product on sale.

Remember: If you choose the wrong cream tone, you risk ruining your entire makeup. In this case, the skin of the face will look unnatural, and it may also be very different in color from the neck and other open areas of the body.



How to choose one that is not visible on the face?

It’s very easy to choose the ideal product – just carry out a simple test. You need to apply a little foundation to the cheekbones, wrist or chin. If possible, it is better to apply the product directly to the face. Be sure to wait five minutes after application.

If you guessed right with the tone, the cream will be invisible on the skin - as if it were completely transparent. The skin with the product applied should look fresher, and the complexion should be even and beautiful.



How to choose according to skin tone?

When choosing a foundation, you must first determine what skin tone you have. To do this, just look carefully at your wrist in natural light. Pay attention to the wreaths on the hands. If their shade is slightly bluish, your tone is cold, but if the wreaths have greenish, yellowish or olive shades, your tone is warm.

Girls with cool skin tones should choose foundations with pinkish tones, while those with warm skin tones should choose shades of beige.

If you cannot clearly decide what tone you have (warm or cool), you can opt for products with neutral colors that are universal for all types.

Very often, when choosing a shade of foundation, ladies focus on skin color. There are two main types:

  1. Reddish pink skin (found in people with good active blood circulation) - for such girls a cream in pink shades is suitable.
  2. Tan skin (found in people with a high melanin content) - golden and brown shades of foundation are ideal for owners of this type.



How to make the tone lighter?

Many makeup artists, who are guided by the basic rules of cosmetology, advise when choosing a foundation to choose a product that is one tone lighter than your skin tone. Thanks to this, the tone will look more natural and give the skin freshness and beauty.



Many cosmetic companies are engaged in the production of foundations, among which there are brands that are very popular and in demand among customers. This Avon, Faberlic, Maybelline, L’Oreal, Max Factor and many others.

When choosing a manufacturer, pay attention to several main important points:

  1. product characteristics;
  2. availability of the desired shade of the product in the manufacturer’s palette;
  3. cream consistency;
  4. availability of the required volume of product and a dispenser convenient for you;
  5. price range;
  6. additional properties (sun protection, nutrition, tightening and many others).





On the Internet, many fashionistas share their reviews of all kinds of foundations from different manufacturers. They like some brands more, others less. This is not surprising, because the choice of cosmetics is a purely individual matter. What suits one person perfectly, others absolutely dislike.

You can only choose a product that is 100% right for you through practical means. However, be sure to also pay attention to the reviews of girls on various forums - this way you can at least identify your favorites and weed out completely low-quality products.


On one issue, however, the opinions of all the girls agree. If you choose and apply the foundation correctly, it will not only hide all the imperfections of your facial skin, but will also protect it from ultraviolet rays and other external negative influences. The foundation will nourish the skin, keeping it youthful, healthy and beautiful.

How to choose your ideal shade of foundation, watch the following video.