Exercises for facial muscles Carol Maggio

The famous facial gymnastics by Carol Maggio has been popular all over the world since the end of the 20th century. Millions of women use this set of exercises every day to combat wrinkles and folds on the skin. The complex is aimed at activating all facial muscles. After its use, the skin is smoothed, acquiring tone and elasticity. Carol Maggio's facial contour lifting method has become an effective alternative to surgical and injection methods of rejuvenation.

Gymnastics for the face Carol Maggio: what is the essence

Cosmetologist Carol Maggio from America is known today for her set of effective facial exercises. When developing it, Carol relied on the principles of facial gymnastics by Dr. Benz, who is considered the pioneer of this area. Carol's courses, initially held only in America, over time gained popularity throughout the world, including in Russia.


During the exercises, all 57 muscles of the facial zone are worked out. Daily classes using the Carol Maggio method allow you to keep your face toned and maintain its original condition without fillers, Botox or surgery. Gymnastics also helps eliminate the “sliding” of the jawline, tightens the oval of the face, smooths out wrinkles and improves skin color by improving blood supply.

Carol Maggio's exercises can be performed at any age. Of course, the sooner you start strengthening your facial muscles, the better. After all, gravitational ptosis, which pulls the oval of the face down over time, and a decrease in skin elasticity appear with age in everyone without exception.

By regularly performing a set of exercises, you provide yourself with:

  1. lifting the contours of the mouth, chin and cheeks;
  2. straightening the eyebrow line;
  3. elimination of small facial wrinkles;
  4. disappearance of nasolabial folds;
  5. nose shape correction;
  6. enlargement and opening of the eyes;
  7. reducing the appearance of circles under the eyes;
  8. tightening sagging skin in the neck area.


Thus, with the help of this gymnastics, not only a reduction in the severity of wrinkles is achieved, but also a change in the proportions of the face, including leveling its shape and acquiring symmetry.

A special feature of gymnastics is the use of fingers during exercises. With their help, some muscles are blocked and others are activated, and additional weight is created for high-quality treatment of the entire surface of the face.

To ensure that this set of exercises is most effective, and the results of its implementation are obvious not only to you, but also to those around you, try to follow the following rules:

  1. When performing exercises, look at yourself in the mirror to monitor the correctness of your actions.
  2. It is recommended to perform the exercises while sitting, and for some techniques you need to lie down.
  3. Before starting gymnastics, straighten your back and slightly tense the muscles of your abdomen, buttocks and thighs to prepare your body for the exercises.
  4. Try to relax, calm your mind and focus your consciousness on rejuvenation.
  5. During exercise, breathe evenly, without tension. Try to feel your body, especially your facial muscles.
  6. Between exercises, exhale sharply through pursed lips.


It is recommended to conduct classes 2 times a day for 20 minutes daily. Be patient - the effect will appear after 7-8 weeks of doing the exercises.

Video: how to properly perform a set of exercises by Carol Maggio

Carol Maggio gymnastics should be postponed until complete recovery or replaced with other methods of facial rejuvenation if the following factors are present:

  1. undergone plastic surgery on the face;
  2. facelifts and any procedures involving injections in the facial area;
  3. inflammatory processes of the facial nerves;
  4. the presence of scars, scratches, ulcers and injuries in the affected area;
  5. hypertension.

Carol Maggio's set of exercises: execution technique

The whole complex includes 14 exercises for different areas of the face. You can start your workout by working on any area. It is best to perform all the exercises one by one without a break.

It affects the muscles near the eyes, strengthens the eyelids, and reduces the severity of swelling.

  1. Place your fingers on the bridge of your nose along the eyebrow line, as well as on the outer corners of your eyes, while looking up.
  2. Squint your eyes, feeling the tension in your lower eyelids. Maintain this position for a few seconds, then relax.
  3. Complete 10 reps.
  4. After this, squint your eyes completely for 40 seconds.

Video: how to do the eye exercise correctly

Activates the muscles located around the eyes, tightens the eyelids and eliminates swelling near the eyes.

  1. Press the corners of your eyes with your fingers from the outside and inside at the same time. Look up.
  2. Squint your eyes and fixate the state for a few seconds, feeling the tension in the upper eyelids.
  3. Perform 10 repetitions followed by relaxation.
  4. Squint your eyes and look up. Maintain this position for 40 seconds.

If during exercise you feel a burning sensation in the area being worked on, this indicates the correct technique.

Video: how to properly perform the anti-edema exercise

Activates the frontal muscle, as a result of which wrinkles in this area disappear and sagging skin over the eyelids decreases.

  1. Place your fingers in the central part of the forehead and pull the surface towards the eyebrows.
  2. Tighten your eyebrows with force, pushing your fingers up.
  3. Perform 10 quick reps, relaxing your muscles after each rep.
  4. Raising your eyebrows, press their surface with your fingers and hold for 30 seconds.


Stimulates the cheek muscles, tightening them. At the same time, the muscles of the mouth are strengthened.

  1. Stretch your mouth into an oval shape, pressing your lip firmly against the surface of your upper teeth.
  2. Place your fingers on your cheeks next to your eyes and smile, using only the corners of your mouth. Raise them and lower them.
  3. Perform 35 repetitions.

If your jaw starts to hurt during the exercise, then the cheek muscles are not involved in the process. Blow lightly through pursed lips to relax your jaw.

Tightens the shape of the nose, removes sagging skin, stimulates the muscles located in the lip area. During the exercise, you can feel the temperature rise in your nose - this indicates the correct technique.


  1. Standing in front of a mirror, use your finger to tighten the tip of your nose.
  2. Move the tip of your nose down, helping with your nasal wings. The finger acts as a weight, allowing the muscles to work more efficiently.
  3. Perform 35 movements, holding each position for 1 second.

If your finger slips during the exercise, place a small piece of cloth between the surface of your nose and your finger.

Video: how to correctly perform an exercise for nose correction

Activates the orbicularis muscle, making it firm and elastic. Folds near the nose are eliminated and the lip line is corrected.

  1. Pursing your lips, tighten their corners with force. Do not increase your breathing intensity or clench your teeth.
  2. Place your fingers on the corners along the lip line and move them up and down.
  3. The duration of the exercise is 30 seconds followed by relaxation.

Video: how to do the lip exercise correctly

By stimulating the orbicularis muscle, the shape of the mouth is worked out and wrinkles in this area are eliminated.

  1. Pout your lips as much as possible. At the same time, watch your teeth - they should be unclenched.
  2. In this position, tap with your finger on the central part of the upper lip, maintaining a pout.
  3. After 30 seconds, pull your lip back with sharp up and down movements.
  4. Continue the exercise for 40 seconds.


For greater effectiveness, this exercise can be performed lying down.

Works the muscles in the lip area to give them a beautiful shape.

  1. Close your lips tightly and place your finger between them.
  2. Reach your finger towards your lips and pull them forward as much as possible, hold.
  3. Next, move your finger along a vertical line for 30 seconds, followed by relaxation.

The technique activates the muscles in the mouth area and eliminates wrinkles in this area.

  1. Open your mouth in an oval shape. Do not move your upper lip away from the surface of your teeth.
  2. Place your fingers on the corners of the mouth and lift them up to the nostrils, and then lower them back.
  3. Perform rhythmic movements for 30 seconds.

Video: how to correctly perform the exercise for nasolabial folds

Helps tighten and tighten the neck muscles, as well as improve the condition of the skin in this area.

  1. Lie on your back and press down on your neck with your hands (from the outside it will look like strangulation).
  2. Try to raise your head a little, stay in this position and then relax.
  3. Do 30 reps.
  4. Lowering your neck, place your arms along your body. Raise and then lower your head, holding the raised position.
  5. Complete 35 reps.
  6. Perform head turns while keeping your body motionless.
  7. Do 45 reps.

This technique activates a muscle that allows you to tighten the surface of your cheeks and correct the line of your cheekbones.

  1. Open your mouth, keeping your upper lip away from your teeth and moving your lower lip behind your teeth.
  2. Use your finger to press down on the surface in the middle of your chin, feeling the stretch.
  3. Alternately perform opening and closing movements with your mouth, feeling the tension in the muscles on the sides of your mouth.
  4. The duration of the exercise is 30 seconds.

Allows you to correct the shape of your face and get rid of sagging areas.

  1. Open your mouth wide, squeezing your lips. Do not move your lips away from your teeth. Look up.
  2. Take your face in both palms and direct the movement towards your temples.
  3. Lock in this position for 30 seconds.
  4. Complete 35 reps.

Video: how to correctly perform an exercise to correct the oval of the face

Strengthening the chin muscle helps get rid of sagging cheekbones and tighten the oval of the face.

  1. Place one hand on your throat, just above your collarbone.
  2. Smile with quick movements with closed lips.
  3. Tilt your head back and then lower it forward. Do 40 reps.


While performing all the exercises, imagine that rejuvenating energy in the form of sun rays is flowing across your face.

Small facial muscles are activated and overall tone indicators increase.

  1. Place your fingers (preferably index fingers) to the corners of your mouth.
  2. Carrying out circular movements and pressing on the surface of the cheeks, move along the trajectory from the cheekbones to the temples, and then back to the chin.
  3. Complete 10 reps.

Video: facial gymnastics Carol Maggio


I've been doing it for 5 days, the results are impressive! On the second day, my husband decided that I injected something into my nasolabial lips (they were smoothed out), now he’s torturing me with my upper lip (a relief has appeared above the red border) - lol, you say you’re injecting something at night (since he’s on vacation and we’re spending time together , i.e. he knows for sure that I have not been to a cosmetologist). By the way, the nose is my favorite exercise; I often do it separately during the day. My nose has lengthened with age and the tip has become wider (I was always not happy with it), so my nose has become much neater! If I had known, I would have been doing this since I was 20, although I thought of a similar exercise, trying to narrow my nostrils, but I wasn’t smart enough to use my finger as resistance. Do it right. The skin is stretched with plastic, and the stretched muscles are sewn to the stretched muscles, in the end you simply doom yourself to slide your face down. I will also note that small jowls have disappeared from the jawline (located under the corners of the lips) and the corners of the lips themselves have risen. The shape of the smile has become more attractive. These days all I hear from my husband is “beauty”, “my beauty” and he is 6 years younger than me! In reality, the effect is like plastic surgery, you know, it’s not usual to see the absence of bags under the eyes or the chiseled contour of the chin, I also think that I will hear when I “come out in public” in a month. And the most important thing is that facial expressions are preserved with this complex, and how! Now you can laugh or frown without worrying about your nasolabial lips, crow's feet, or the vertical fold between your eyebrows. Those who criticize this technique are committing a crime by pushing women towards plastic surgery; I myself was close to this.

I’ve been doing these exercises for three years, sometimes I crawl home tired, and still, until I do it, I don’t go to bed or get up early in the morning, once, after a holiday, I came to the shafe and did it... I’m amazed at myself, the effect, of course, is super. At the age of 32, I began to be horrified by the signs of loss of elasticity that had begun, especially the lower part of the face and the neck was straining, and the folds began to be strongly defined. Now I don’t worry, I do Carol and enjoy, enjoy, enjoy! The neck is also in complete order, of course there are folds, but as it was when I was 20 years old, I look at them and don’t get upset anymore). For some reason it takes me about 40 minutes every day, I do 2 complexes at once according to the book. Don’t be lazy, it’s free, even if it’s 40 minutes a day, but what a result!


I’ve been doing it for almost a year... It doesn’t always work out to do it 2 times a day... I’m lazy(((. When I’m not lazy, my whole face really tightens up... I’m 36.


I’m 35. For the last 2 years, it’s been painful for me to watch my face change, wrinkles around the eyes, nasolabial folds and of course the oval of the face. Fortunately, on the Internet I came across a video of a woman (the cat looks great) explaining how to do several exercises according to Carol Maggio. I got excited and started studying. I've been doing them for 2 months and I really like the results. From the first day, I carefully began to observe the changes in my face. On the same day, my complexion improved, and on days 2-3 I felt that my nasolabial lips had smoothed out a little. In addition to strength exercises, Carol began to do others from here. My face, of course, tightened up, my main drawback was the contour of my face. The only thing that really worries me is that my chin has become thicker, but I don’t need that)). It’s somehow very difficult to turn off the tension in the chin during exercises... In general, it seems to me that in its complex, like in yoga, you need to try to feel those muscles that you need, direct the power of thought, energy or something... to problem areas . Something like this.. I think that with every new lesson you will be close to this). I succeeded almost immediately, but the enlargement of my cheeks did not happen quickly. Girls, don't be lazy, your face will thank you!! It really works!


I work out irregularly. Well, maybe I do the complex 2-3 times a week. It takes me 10–15 minutes. There are results, and some more. Especially near the eyes. The eyes themselves became larger and rounder. And the upper eyelids stopped drooping. It makes me very happy. And then two years ago (I was already well over 30) I noticed that the upper eyelid was somehow inelastic. Then, in the photographs, I increasingly discovered the “Asian effect”. About six months of exercises from Maggio - and my eyelids no longer droop at all. Absolutely youthful eyes. The nasolabial lips did not go away completely, but became less deep. The shape of the nose has changed a little. My lips have become really fuller. Otherwise there are no changes. But I don’t overwork myself.))) I should probably exercise more often, but somehow I’m afraid or something. Won't I make it worse? For now, this mode is enough for a good appearance.


I also started practicing Maggio. True, I don’t do all the exercises, but I have adopted two so far - for the nasolabial lips and for lifting the cheeks. Of course, it’s too early to talk about the results, but I like it because... after exercise there is such a pleasant feeling of tone in the muscles of the face, just like after the gym there is a feeling of tightness in the whole body. The only thing that bothers me is the strong “moving” of the skin under the eyes during the cheek lifting exercise. Although you need to put your fingers on the top of your cheeks, as I understand it, you don’t need to press them, but then how can you prevent the skin under your eyes from wrinkling? In general, I press.


I think the effect is very good! The face becomes more defined, the lower part narrows a little (what I needed). Where the “apples” are, it has expanded a little. That is, everything is going to the limit of my dreams - I want highlighted cheekbones (fortunately, they are high) and a narrow lower part. But... I do only this one Maggio exercise for “Lifting the Cheeks” every other day. I was thinking - how do bodybuilders build muscles? One day working on one muscle, and then a day or two off. And so I decided to experiment too. I’ve been doing the exercises every other day for two weeks now and I’m very pleased with the results. I want to try doing it in two days in a week. I'll see what happens next.


With regular performance of Carol Maggio's gymnastics, the facial muscles are significantly strengthened and the contours of the cheeks, lips, eyebrows, nose and eyelids are tightened. It is recommended to perform a small set of exercises daily, devoting 15–20 minutes to it. Before class, you should get ready for practice and choose a secluded place where no one will disturb you. The first results from the exercises will be noticeable after 1.5–2 months of training.


Carol Maggio was 50 when she began developing her facial exercise system. Her discoveries are based on the works of Dr. Benz, who first told Americans about Facebook building. Carol systematized all the exercises and opened gymnastics courses for the face. She soon became more famous than her teacher, thanks in part to her spectacular appearance. Now she is approaching 70, and time has stood still for her. She looks the same as she did 20 years ago.

What is the role of exercises in a facelift?

Regular gymnastics of the facial muscles leads to the same results as plastic surgery. Only wrinkles are smoothed out not due to tissue tightening, but because the volume of the facial muscles increases. In fact, face building causes muscle spasm - from constant tension, they look something like after a botulinum toxin injection. Meanwhile, the load on the tissues should not be constant; most of the time they are in a passive state, and this is normal. Overexertion causes side effects, facial expressions are distorted, and nervousness appears. Women who oppose Maggio's exercise system say they have noticed involuntary, slightly nervous facial expressions on Carol herself.

What is Carol Maggio's facial gymnastics?

In addition to intense stress on the muscles, the Maggio system involves working with energy flows: it calls for mentally visualizing them and directing them to problem areas. To master a course in facial gymnastics, you need to master at least basic understanding of the human bioinformational field and energy charging skills. Without them, it will be unclear how to do individual exercises.

In the translation of her work, there is an instruction to perform all exercises by touching your fingers, which means that physical contact with the skin and muscles will be minimal. This is already at odds with the principles of face-building, with the help of which it is proposed to pump up the face. You do exercises, achieve a flow of lymph to the face and visible growth of muscle mass. How simple and clear everything is, and the result is obvious.

In Carol Maggio's system, physical activity is offered only to help the so-called mental work with energy flows. Simply copying the exercises offered in her book will not achieve results; you need to be aware of how each muscle works. Carol's book talks about this, you just need to delve into it and learn it. It would be easier to master the Maggio technique with a video course, but it is limited in distribution.

There is only one face-building trainer in Russia personally certified by Maggio - Muscovite Anastasia Burdyug.

Facial muscles cannot be pumped. At one end they are attached to the bones, at the other - to the skin or woven into neighboring muscles. Constant exercise will result in temporary improvement, but the aging process is inevitable. Over time, the spasmed muscles will begin to pull the skin along with them, first sagging areas will appear on the face, and then wrinkles. Carol's technique does not involve forceful load on the facial muscles and gives results for years to come.

Carol's recommendations help:

  1. tighten the skin and achieve a pronounced lifting effect;
  2. sculpture the oval of the face;
  3. give yourself the right facial features, a beautiful lip contour, a nose shape;
  4. get rid of wrinkles on the neck and double chin;
  5. remove jowls and sagging cheeks;
  6. smooth out age and facial wrinkles;
  7. strengthen the muscles of the orbital region and open your eyes;
  8. strengthen the lower eyelids and get rid of swelling and bruises under the eyes.

Advice from Carol Maggio: before starting classes, take a profile and full-face photo so that you can later evaluate the benefits of gymnastics.

Gymnastics technique for the face Carol Maggio

Facial aerobics according to the Maggio system activates all 57 facial muscles. Not everyone is constantly involved, and those who are inactive need to be stimulated - this is why finger gymnastics was developed. While performing it, it is important to focus on the muscles that are working at the moment and monitor your breathing. At the same time, keep in mind a slide picture of what your new face will be like. After each exercise, Carol advises relaxing: inhale deeply through your nose and exhale sharply through tightly closed lips. The posture during aerobics should be collected: the stomach is pulled in, the muscles of the hips and buttocks are tense - just don’t strain all the muscles on the body. Carol recommends doing gymnastics every other day, alternating exercises with facial massage. Moreover, it should be conducted in full courses. The results will be noticeable in 1.5–2 months.

The entire exercise is divided into three blocks:

  1. gymnastics for beginners;
  2. gymnastics for experienced;
  3. Carol's separate development is a short course for business women who cannot afford a lot of time for classes.

Start with any exercise from the basic course and work it every day for 20 minutes. The basic block is designed for 6-7 weeks of training, then you can move on to the advanced level. It is better not to break the sequence of blocks.

For skin care, choose suitable cosmetics, master different facial massage techniques (lymphatic drainage, vacuum, spoon massage, honey), adjust your diet and go in for sports.

Description of courses

The basic gymnastics complex for beginners includes 14 simple exercises, for advanced ones - 9 exercises for training different facial zones. It is convenient to perform gymnastics in front of a mirror - this makes it easier to track how accurately and according to the instructions you are doing it.

The basic level exercise is performed as follows:

  1. Take your starting position - sit or lie down.
  2. Fix your fingers: the middle fingers should be on the bridge of the nose, the index fingers should be on the outer corners of the eyes.
  3. Squint your eyes, feel how your eyelids tense.
  4. Feel the muscles pulsate and slowly close your eyelids. Count to 40.
  5. Open your eyes and repeat the exercise.
  6. Do this 10 times in one approach.


A set of exercises to enlarge the eyes strengthens the orbicularis eyelid muscle

From the advanced level:

  1. Take the starting position - the exercise is best done while sitting.
  2. Place your middle and index fingers at your temples.
  3. Lightly pull the skin upward with them, feel how it stretches.
  4. Look straight ahead, fixing your gaze on one point.
  5. Without taking your eyes off the chosen object, raise your eyes upward, count to 10. Look forward, count to 10 again.
  6. Lower your eyes and mentally count to 10 too.

Make sure that your eyebrows do not move; when they move, this means you are pumping your forehead muscles.

A simplified version of the lower eyelid exercise:

  1. Place your index fingers on the outer corners of your eyes.
  2. Close your eyelids tightly and count to 40.
  3. Open your eyes.
  4. Move your fingers to the inner corners of the eyes, fix.
  5. Close your eyelids tightly again and count to 30.
  6. Relax your muscles.


Lower eyelid exercise helps remove bags and dark circles under the eyes

For an advanced level, there is a complex exercise that helps remove swelling, strengthen the upper and lower eyelids, and slightly raise the corners of the eyes.

  1. Place your index fingers on the outer corners of your eyes, move your thumbs down, and cover your nose with the remaining three, like a “house.” The middle fingers are located between the eyebrows, the index fingers lightly press on the dimple at the inner corners of the eyes.
  2. Look up, hold your gaze.
  3. Squint your eyes, trying to pull your lower eyelid as high as possible.
  4. Remove your hands from your face and close your eyelids tightly.
  5. Count to 40.
  6. Relax your muscles.
  7. Repeat 15 times.

Carol Maggio says that the nose continues to grow with age, so it gradually becomes wider and droops. To avoid this, you need to constantly train your nasal muscle. The same exercise helps to correct the shape of the nose and reduce its size.

  1. Place your index finger on the tip of your nose and pull it up.
  2. Lower the nostrils as much as possible, feel how the wings of the nose tense.
  3. Stay in this position for 10 seconds, then you can relax.
  4. Repeat the exercise 35 times.


Carol Maggio's exercise helps tighten the nasal muscle, which gets stretched over the years

For an advanced level, the exercise is modified:

  1. With one finger, you move the tip of your nose upward, but in doing so you strain not the wings of your nose, but your upper lip - you need to pull it back. Use your finger to continue pressing on the tip of your nose.
  2. Repeat the exercise 45 times.

The exercise is performed like this:

  1. Open your mouth slightly, press your upper lip to the upper row of teeth.
  2. Place your lower lip behind your bottom row of teeth.
  3. Press your index finger to the middle of your chin.
  4. Open your mouth, then close it, without moving your jaw joints if possible. Feel the muscles at the corners of your lips tighten.
  5. Do this until you feel a burning sensation in your muscles.


Exercise strengthens the jaw muscles and orbicularis oris muscle

The exercise helps strengthen the neck muscles, remove wrinkles and tighten the skin in this problem area.

  1. Take the starting position lying down, it is better to do it on the floor.
  2. Place your middle fingers on the side of your neck and press them lightly.
  3. Slowly raise your head from the floor 4–5 cm.
  4. Hold the position for 5 seconds.
  5. Also slowly return to the starting position, relax.
  6. Repeat 20 times.

The exercise can be done without arms - they are extended along the torso. The rest of the execution procedure is the same. Repeat 35 times. While in position, turn your head to one side and then to the other so that your body remains motionless. Make 45 turns.


The exercise helps strengthen the neck muscles, remove wrinkles and tighten the skin in this problem area.

Another exercise is designed for advanced people:

  1. Take your starting position while sitting.
  2. Cup your hands, pressing your wrists together.
  3. Place your wrists under your chin and clasp your neck with your palms on both sides.
  4. Try to pull your chin forward as far as possible, and use your hands to pull the skin back.
  5. Do 30 repetitions.

The following basic level will help you get rid of a double chin and at the same time strengthen your neck muscles:

  1. Take your starting position while sitting.
  2. Raise your chin as high as possible.
  3. Purse your lips and stretch them into a smile (do not expose your teeth!).
  4. Place your hand at the base of your neck and pull the skin down.
  5. Turn your head to the left, fix the position and count to 10.
  6. Now turn to the right and stay in this position for 10 seconds.
  7. Then raise your head up and do not move until you count to 10. Feel how your neck muscles tense.
  8. Relax your muscles.
  9. Do 40 reps.


Double chin exercise helps correct the shape of the face and remove wrinkles on the neck

For the pros, Carol Maggio suggests another exercise:

  1. Sit down, straighten your back and relax.
  2. Open and close your mouth several times, while carefully monitoring which facial muscles are working.
  3. Now open your mouth again.
  4. Tighten the corners of your lips and try to close your mouth only with their help, without using your lower jaw.

Contraindications for implementation

The safety of Carol Maggio’s technique was officially recognized by doctors from Europe and the USA. Facial gymnastics affects muscle fibers, lymph flow, the circulatory system and the nervous system. If a person is normal and does not experience any health problems, physical and mental stress will most likely be beneficial.


The Carol Maggio system helps correct facial asymmetry and get rid of wrinkles, but only in the absence of contraindications

There are few restrictions on performing facial gymnastics, but they exist:

  1. recently undergone facial surgery (a month before the start of classes and later);
  2. beauty injections if you did them 2 weeks before you started doing gymnastics and later. The load on the facial muscles neutralizes the effect of solutions injected under the skin;
  3. any damage to the facial nerve (inflammation, injury, paralysis);
  4. mechanical damage to the skin of the face (wounds, scars, ulcers).
  1. exacerbation of bacterial and viral diseases;
  2. elevated temperature;
  3. unstable pressure.

Book by Carol Maggio in Russian

The original book by Carol Maggio was published in English. In translation, the book was called “Aerobics for the skin and muscles of the face” (Moscow, Eksmo-Press, 2012. – 128 p.). This work sets out in detail the author's recommendations for performing each exercise, and there are few of them, which is why the book turned out to be small. The first section contains a complex for beginners (14 exercises), the second contains gymnastics for professionals (9 exercises). Each complex is divided into 5 blocks, which contain exercises for different muscle groups. The section “Exercises in the car” is highlighted.


The book “Aerobics for the skin and muscles of the face” is called not the most successful translation of Carol Maggio’s work, but in Russia it is the only one

It is not necessary to do the entire set of exercises every day. If your chin is bothering you, you can only work with exercises from the corresponding block. The book provides the basics of anatomy - the names of the muscles and explanations of what they are responsible for and which part of the face. For each exercise, the technique of execution is shown and comments are given on why exactly it is useful and what results can be expected. The text is accompanied by black and white photographs that clearly show the technique. At the end, general recommendations for skin care are given.

Reviews of facial gymnastics Carol Maggio

About "energy". Try the following before doing the exercises. Sit quietly in a Turkish position (or in a lotus, whoever knows how), with the palms of your hands folded at chest level so that there is free space inside between the centers of your palms. The back is straight, do not lower the chin, while the body is as relaxed as possible. Mentally imagine how energy gathers between your palms, try to feel the warmth. Then rub your palm against your palm harder. The hotter they rub, the better. And while your hands are “hot”, start doing the exercises. If they cool down too quickly, you can rub them some more.




So, what did this gymnastics give me? I haven’t been practicing it for too long yet, but I’ve already noticed positive results. No, my cheekbones haven’t turned into plump apples, but my skin tone has definitely improved. I like to feel my facial muscles and be able to control them.



In general, the complex is worthwhile, but here you need to either do everything very accurately and correctly, or watch some video lessons, or work with a trainer. In short, until you understand it thoroughly, it’s better not to overdo it. Do one exercise at a time and see what the result is. At the same time, under no circumstances should you stretch the skin or make any traumatic movements at all. Then there will be a result.



These exercises, like Dubinina’s exercises, are strength exercises. ALL strength exercises spasm the muscles. In general, in an amicable way, the muscles should not be spasmed, but, on the contrary, relaxed. Have you noticed the faces of the paralyzed? It is especially noticeable when one side is paralyzed - it is smooth. Botox injections are based on the same principle. But it also has its, to put it mildly, disadvantages. I ruined my face with Dubinina’s bosses, although they, it seems to me, are less aggressive than Maggio. I was painfully worried about the changes I saw in the mirror after the test. But please, read a lot of articles about facial muscles and the dangers of strength loads, about muscle spasms, about the mechanisms of aging - everything will become clear.


Thousands of photographs are posted online every day by women, offering to compare themselves before classes and after a month or year of working on their face. They are asked hundreds of questions about their age under these posts. Facial gymnastics works! So Carol fully deserves the title of the world's best facial fitness specialist, which was awarded to her by the British magazine Harpers & Queen. Carol Maggio's gymnastics in this publication was named one of the hundred best ways to maintain youth.

“Non-surgical lifting”, this is the name rightfully earned by the legendary aerobics for the skin and facial muscles from Carol Maggio. The effect of this technique is compared with the results of many popular cosmetic and plastic procedures. To be sure, you need to try it. And don’t forget to take a photo before so that you can clearly evaluate what you will achieve by completing this wonderful gymnastics course!

History of the technique


Among the most famous followers of Reinhold Benz, who were involved in the development of facial gymnastics complexes, there is no doubt that special attention should be paid to Carol Maggio. Carol, born in the USA, is a real estate agent by first education. But she said goodbye to this profession very quickly; she was always attracted by the path of beauty.

After college, she decided to become a professional cosmetologist and received the necessary education. At 38 years old, she began to worry about age-related changes in her own face. This influenced his personal life and became the impetus for further decisive actions and future world recognition. She devoted a lot of time to studying the human face; she had extensive experience working with leading surgeons, dermatologists, cosmetologists and physiotherapists.

Surgeries and injections do not completely solve skin problems, and do not always give the expected result, often even the opposite. The effect of these procedures dissipates quite quickly and often leads to negative consequences.

Carol suggested another way that works - maintaining facial muscles in excellent shape at all times and creating a strong foundation for young skin. “If we can train the body, then perhaps it’s possible to do it with the face?” Her teachings are based on the writings of Dr. Bentz. She systematized it and was convinced from her own experience of its effectiveness. Inspiring by her example, the woman organized the course “Aerobics for the skin and facial muscles of Carol Maggio.”


Carol's clientele and popularity grew and she soon became a renowned trainer, practicing face contouring step by step. Her career and her whole life, both personal and public, began with a clean slate. She and her husband divorced. Today Carol is almost 70 years old and looks great. This fact is the best proof of the work of her technique.

About the Russian famous follower of Carol Maggio, Anastasia Burdyuk, read a useful article on facesave.ru.

Aerobics for skin and facial muscles


In 2002, K. Maggio published her first book, “Aerobics for the skin and muscles of the face.” From the very beginning, the reader learns everything about the structure of his own face. All muscles, their location and names are described in detail. And also about what processes occur and why they soon become weaker and worsen the appearance of the skin.

And as a consequence, the main signs of facial aging appear. There are seven of them:

  1. Eyebrow drooping.
  2. Drooping eyelids.
  3. Flabbiness of the cheeks
  4. Age-related lengthening of the nose.
  5. Thinning and wrinkled lips.
  6. The appearance of a “double chin”.
  7. Withering of the skin of the neck.

To solve these problems, the “Carol Maggio Facial Aerobics” complex is taken. The program is divided into two parts: 14 basic level exercises, which are suitable for beginners (+ adapted version for exercises in the car) and an advanced level of 9 exercises. All classes are aimed at solving problems in a certain part of the face.



We force the muscles around the eyes to work.

  1. Use your middle fingers to fix the bridge of your nose.
  2. Using your index fingers, pinch the corners of your eyes.
  3. Let's look up. We squint with our lower eyelids.
  4. We alternate tension with relaxation.
  5. Repeat 10 times.


We continue to work with the muscles around the eyes, leveling the space under the eye.

  1. Place your middle fingers on the inner corners of your eyes, and your index fingers on the outer corners.
  2. Let's look up. The upper eyelid is wide open, the lower eyelid is squinted with little effort.
  3. We alternate tension with relaxation.
  4. Repeat 10 times.


We train the muscles of the forehead and smooth it out.

  1. Place your index fingers in the middle of your forehead parallel to your eyebrows.
  2. We press a little down towards the eyebrows and fix it.
  3. Let's look up. We jerk our eyebrows upward.
  4. Fingers obstruct movement and create resistance.
  5. We strain and relax alternately 10 times.


We train our cheeks and get rid of the effect of sunken eyes.

  1. Make a big O with your mouth.
  2. We “hug” the teeth with sponges.
  3. Use your fingers to fix the top points of each cheek.
  4. Next, we smile, but do it with the corners of our lips.
  5. The muscles of the cheeks work intensively. We alternate tension and relaxation 10 times.


We develop the upper lip muscle and eliminate the effects of gravity.

  1. Make a big O with your mouth.
  2. We “hug” the teeth with sponges.
  3. Use your fingers to fix the top points of each cheek.
  4. Now smile from the corners, then relax.
  5. We alternate 9 times and on the 10th smile we raise the upper lip as high as possible. And at the same time, we move our fingers from the face to the top of the head.
  6. Now we raise our arms above ourselves, raise our head and stretch our neck.


We stimulate blood circulation in the upper lip and nose.

  1. Press the tip of the nose upward with your index finger.
  2. Then we lower the upper lip and force the nostrils to fall behind it.
  3. The finger creates resistance to the movement of the nose.
  4. We linger in a tense position for a second.
  5. Repeat 35 times. We breathe evenly.


We train the cheekbones, help them hold the corners of the mouth.

  1. We compress our lips, but not too much. The corners of the lips are tense. Teeth are open, breathing is uniform.
  2. We press the corners of our lips with our fingers, then quickly move them up and down.
  3. We gradually speed up until we feel a tingling sensation.
  4. Do it for 30 seconds. Rest, repeat 5 times.


We enlarge the lips and smooth out wrinkles above the upper lip.

  1. We puff out our cheeks, close our lips, but without pinching them. The teeth are open.
  2. We imitate as pouty a look as possible. But we don’t purse our lips; there shouldn’t be any folds on them.
  3. We tap the middle of the mouth with our index finger. We continue until we feel a burning sensation.
  4. Then move your finger up and down for up to 30 seconds.
  5. Relax, rest and repeat 5 times.


We train the muscles from the nose to the corners of the mouth.

  1. Make a big O with your mouth.
  2. We “hug” the teeth with sponges.
  3. We move our index fingers from the corners of the mouth to the wings of the nose.
  4. We continue until a burning sensation appears, after which we accelerate the movement.
  5. Relax, rest and repeat 5 times.


We strengthen the neck muscles and smooth out sagging skin.

  1. We lie down on our backs.
  2. We clasp our necks with our palms.
  3. We raise our heads a little and hold ourselves in a tense position.
  4. Let's relax. Repeat 30 times.
  5. Next, stretch your arms along your body and turn your head left and right. Repeat 30 times.


We tone the muscles of the cheeks and straighten the oval of the face.

  1. We tightly “hug” the teeth with the upper and lower lips.
  2. We fix our fingers on the chin, creating resistance.
  3. Slowly open and close your mouth. But we do this with the muscles of the mouth, not the jaw.
  4. Pull your chin forward a little.
  5. We do it 30 times.


We expand and soften the oval of the face.

  1. We open our mouth.
  2. We tightly “hug” the teeth with the upper and lower lips.
  3. We fix our fingers in the corners of the mouth.
  4. Next, we make circular movements over the face.
  5. We perform up to 30 seconds. Let's relax.


We train the lateral muscles of the face and tone them.

  1. We open our mouth.
  2. We tightly “hug” the teeth with the upper and lower lips.
  3. Slowly move your palms along the sides of your face, creating tension in the muscles.
  4. We count to 30, raise our hands up and relax.


We strengthen the chin, neck and jaw muscles.

  1. We raise our head, lifting our chin a little.
  2. Let's smile energetically with our mouth closed.
  3. Use your palm to fix the skin at the base of the neck and stretch it slightly, creating tension.
  4. Slowly tilt our head back and return to the starting position.
  5. Repeat 35 times.

Recommendations for implementation


  1. Each exercise is done twice a day.
  2. You can do gymnastics standing, lying down or sitting. But it is necessary that the body takes a correct and comfortable position, does not slouch or stiffen.
  3. Keep your stomach pulled in and your buttocks tight to concentrate more energy.
  4. The burning sensation is the result of proper load on the muscles.
  5. When doing exercises, imagine how exactly those muscles that you are working with now work, how they gain strength and become younger and more beautiful.
  6. After the muscles have worked well, it is important to relax them thoroughly. Inhale air and release it through your lips, vibrating them.



  1. It must be taken into account that facial aerobics is incompatible with any plastic or injection procedures. It will simply nullify their effect. But sometimes it is advisable if the effect of these procedures does not satisfy you and you want to correct it.
  2. High blood pressure.
    Injuries, wounds, purulent formations.
  3. Neuritis.

Conclusion and results


Aerobics for the skin and facial muscles of Carol Maggio is a unique opportunity to change your appearance for the better, see yourself in a new way and love yourself! Reviews from cosmetologists about facial gymnastics confirm this fact. It can be compared to a lift, but without outside intervention.

If all recommendations are followed, the author of the book promises the following result:

  1. The skin will turn pink and begin to glow from the inside.
  2. The nose will be shorter and thinner.
  3. Your lips will become plump and juicy.
  4. The eyes will visually enlarge, puffiness and swelling will go away.
  5. The shape of your face will become clear and beautiful.
  6. The double chin will go away.
  7. The skin on your neck will become smoother.

But it is important to take a comprehensive approach to creating a new yourself step by step. In addition to aerobics for the face, you need to monitor the condition of the whole body, do the necessary exercises, as well as breathing exercises. Maintain proper nutrition and limit alcohol consumption.

Question answer


Let's look at the most popular questions related to this technique and its author:

  1. How long does facial gymnastics take per day?
  2. Why do cosmetologists say that facial gymnastics does not help?

So let's take it in order:

The first question was recently answered by Anastasia Burdyug, a famous face-building trainer in Russia (scroll through the carousel):