Morning facial treatments


Rule one. Awakening

Waking up should be smooth. Wake up, stretch, give yourself a light massage, lie down for a few minutes and think about something pleasant. After which you can smoothly get out of bed without any sudden movements. And finally: to finally wake up, you need to take five deep breaths in and out, holding your breath for a few seconds.

Rule two. Water procedures

Don't neglect a contrast morning shower. It improves blood circulation, invigorates and makes the brain work more actively. If you are not a fan of such experiments, a compress will serve as an effective replacement. For a compress, you will need a terry towel: moisten it with hot water and apply it to your face, after a minute or a minute and a half, moisten the towel with cold water and apply it to your face again. It is worth repeating the procedure 3-4 times, after which your appearance will become cheerful, your skin will be elastic, and a healthy blush will appear on your cheeks. You can also wipe your face with ice cubes based on herbs - calendula, chamomile, sage.

Rule three. Facial exercise

This exercise must be done every day, it has a tightening effect and prevents rapid aging of the skin.

— Close your eyes for 5 seconds, then open them as wide as possible, looking around. Perform the movement 5 times.

- Wrinkle your nose tightly for a few seconds, then relax (5 times).

- Puff out your cheeks and roll it in a ball from cheek to cheek. Release and inhale air, then pat your puffy cheeks with your fingertips. Do the exercise 5 times.

Rule four. Having breakfast

Breakfast is a must. This meal is simply necessary for our body! In the morning you can eat any food without harming your figure. Food should be consumed slowly, chewing well. Breakfast should be hearty and satisfying, but you should not overeat.

Rule five. Makeup

Prefer natural makeup to bright makeup; it will refresh your face and highlight all its advantages. Ready! You can safely go about your business.

Women constantly waste a lot of time for self-care, because this allows them to remain young and beautiful longer. But the products you use do not always benefit you, because it is also important to take into account age, time of year, skin type and even time of day. Surely you have noticed that there are products for day care and for night care.

The thing is that depending on the time of day, our skin works differently. This is why it is so important to choose appropriately cream, cleansers and masks. Some cosmetic companies specially produce entire series that contain cream for the night and for the day. Let's talk separately about how to start the morning correctly, wake up faster and restore your skin's healthy appearance and elasticity after a long night.

1. Start your morning with a glass of water. Many nutritionists constantly talk about how important it is to give your skin enough moisture. This way you can prevent aging and give your face beauty and freshness. As soon as you get up, drink a glass of still mineral water, and only then go do your morning routine. This technique will allow you to quickly cheer up and refresh yourself. If you don’t feel like going straight to the kitchen in the morning, place a bottle of water and a glass on the nightstand near your bed.


2. Revitalize your skin. In the early morning, your body is still asleep, so it is important to apply some techniques. For example, exercise improves blood circulation, which in turn transmits oxygen to each cell. So is the skin - you need to invigorate it and refresh it. To do this, you need to apply a contrast wash.

Type full palms first warmest water possible and wash your face, and then do the same with the cold one. This way you will wash away all the toxins that were released during sleep and return your face to a lovely glow and healthy appearance. After washing, pat your skin dry with a cotton towel. Do not forget that you should have a separate towel for your face, and you need to change it more often than others. But it happens that after washing your skin, your skin becomes tight and dry, in this case it is important to replace ordinary tap water with a decoction of herbs. It could be chamomile, thyme or yarrow.

3. Use ice cubes. Many representatives of the fair sex, regardless of skin type, encounter such a nuisance as puffiness, swelling or bruising of the skin in the morning. This may be due not only to your rhythm and lifestyle, but also to the individual characteristics of your body. That is why you need to freeze pure mineral water without gas in ice trays in advance and wipe your face every morning. You can also freeze herbal infusions, which is also a great daily care trick. Herbs saturate the skin with beneficial vitamins, relieve redness and give a boost of energy for the whole day.

4. Use a tonic. This cosmetic product is great for women and girls of any age. What you should pay attention to is the purpose of the product: there are toners for every skin type and different age groups. What is tonic used for? It is an excellent conductor for cream, perfectly moisturizes the skin and opens pores. You need to pay attention to the fact that a high-quality toner cannot cost a penny, so give preference to proven brands and do not skimp on your skin. Apply the product to a cotton pad and wipe the skin each time before applying the cream. Tonic should definitely be on your bathroom shelf so that you start your day with it every morning.


5. Apply your favorite day cream. The choice of this cosmetic product must be approached especially competently. Sometimes, to purchase a cream, you need to first consult with your cosmetologist. The face cream will be on your skin all day, so it is very important that every cell receives nutrition. The cream should also protect against negative environmental influences and ultraviolet rays.

It should be an excellent base for makeup, suitable for your skin type and age group. Therefore, if you do not know how to choose this product, contact a professional. If you can't make an appointment with a dermatologist, buy a facial product at the pharmacy. Today there are a large number of companies producing pharmaceutical cosmetics, and you will also receive advice from a person who is well versed in it. For morning care, you need a small pea-sized drop of cream, which must be applied with patting movements with your fingers or palm.

6. Use eye cream. This area of ​​the face needs special care, so you should pay attention to it. The skin around the eyes is very thin and vulnerable, so it needs a special product. There are a huge number of eye creams on the cosmetics market, but not all of them really take good care of your skin. Usually these are creams containing plant extracts, collagen and natural oils. Apply eye cream using light patting movements with your fingers.

7. Pay attention to your lips. Many women know that it is necessary to properly care for the skin around their eyes, but they forget about the need to moisturize their lips. Your favorite lipstick will not be enough, because it does not contain the required amount of micronutrients. In the morning you need to apply a small amount of nourishing balm or hygienic lipstick with natural oils, and only then cover the skin with decorative products. This way you will prevent early aging and protect your lips from dryness and flaking. You can replace the balm with a mixture of natural oils if you already have them in your care collection.

8. Change cosmetic products in winter and summer seasons. Our skin reacts very sensitively to weather changes. In winter, you need to use a rich cream based on natural animal fats, and in the summer, replace your usual cream with one that contains SPF filters. This will help you prevent dryness and aging. Remember to apply the product every time you leave the house.

— Return to section table of contents "Dermatology"

Facial care in the morning is a must for velvety and glowing skin. After all, you need to get yourself in order and maintain your beauty for the whole day. Many processes happen to our skin during the night, so in the morning we need to restore the balance and bring it back to normal.

In just 8 hours of sleep, the top layer of skin loses moisture, and the middle and bottom layers are oversaturated with it. In addition, as the activity of the body's systems decreases and blood flow weakens, our face becomes pale, circles and bags under the eyes appear, and all imperfections become more noticeable. Don't worry about this - everything can be fixed if you do the right facial care in the morning.


Let's talk separately about how to start the morning correctly, wake up faster and restore your skin's healthy appearance and elasticity after a long night.


Many nutritionists constantly talk about how important it is to give your skin enough moisture. This way you can prevent aging and give your face beauty and freshness. As soon as you get up, drink a glass of still mineral water, and only then go do your morning routine. This technique will allow you to quickly cheer up and refresh yourself. If you don’t feel like going straight to the kitchen in the morning, place a bottle of water and a glass on the nightstand near your bed.



In the early morning, your body is still asleep, so it is important to apply some techniques. For example, exercise improves blood circulation, which in turn transmits oxygen to each cell. So is the skin - you need to invigorate it and refresh it. To do this, you need to apply a contrast wash. First, take your palms full of warm water and wash your face, and then do the same with cold water. This way you will wash away all the toxins that were released during sleep and return your face to a lovely glow and healthy appearance. After washing, pat your skin dry with a cotton towel. Do not forget that you should have a separate towel for your face, and you need to change it more often than others. But it happens that after washing your skin, your skin becomes tight and dry, in this case it is important to replace ordinary tap water with a decoction of herbs. It could be chamomile, thyme or yarrow.



Many representatives of the fair sex, regardless of skin type, encounter such a nuisance as puffiness, swelling or bruising of the skin in the morning. This may be due not only to your rhythm and lifestyle, but also to the individual characteristics of your body. That is why you need to freeze pure mineral water without gas in ice trays in advance and wipe your face every morning. You can also freeze herbal infusions, which is also a great daily care trick. Herbs saturate the skin with beneficial vitamins, relieve redness and give a boost of energy for the whole day.



This cosmetic product is great for women and girls of any age. What you should pay attention to is the purpose of the product: there are toners for every skin type and different age groups. What is tonic used for? It is an excellent conductor for cream, perfectly moisturizes the skin and opens pores. Apply the toner to a cotton pad and wipe the skin each time before applying the cream. Tonic should definitely be on your bathroom shelf so that you start your day with it every morning.



The choice of this cosmetic product must be approached especially competently. Sometimes, to purchase a cream, you need to first consult with your cosmetologist. The face cream will be on your skin all day, so it is very important that every cell receives nutrition. The cream should also protect against negative environmental influences and ultraviolet rays. It should be an excellent makeup base, suitable for your skin type and age group. Therefore, if you do not know how to choose this product, contact a professional. If you can't make an appointment with a dermatologist, buy a facial product at the pharmacy. Today there are a large number of companies producing pharmaceutical cosmetics, and you will also receive advice from a person who is well versed in it. For morning care, you need a small pea-sized drop of cream, which must be applied with patting movements with your fingers or palm.



This area of ​​the face needs special care, so you should pay attention to it. The skin around the eyes is very thin and vulnerable, so it needs a special product. There are a huge number of eye creams on the cosmetics market, but not all of them really take good care of your skin. Usually these are creams containing plant extracts, collagen and natural oils. Apply eye cream using light patting movements with your fingers.



Many women know that it is necessary to properly care for the skin around their eyes, but they forget about the need to moisturize their lips. Your favorite lipstick will not be enough, because it does not contain the required amount of micronutrients. In the morning you need to apply a small amount of nourishing balm or hygienic lipstick with natural oils, and only then cover the skin with decorative products. This way you will prevent early aging and protect your lips from dryness and flaking. You can replace the balm with a mixture of natural oils if you already have them in your care collection.



Our skin reacts very sensitively to weather changes. In winter, you need to use a rich cream based on natural animal fats, and in the summer, replace your usual cream with one that contains SPF filters. This will help you prevent dryness and aging. Remember to apply the product every time you leave the house.


After the above procedures, you can apply makeup without fear for the purity of your skin. After all, high-quality morning facial care is the key to the health and beauty of the skin.