Facial skin care in the morning

Facial care in the morning is a must for velvety and glowing skin. After all, you need to get yourself in order and maintain your beauty for the whole day. Many processes happen to our skin during the night, so in the morning we need to restore the balance and bring it back to normal.

In just 8 hours of sleep, the top layer of skin loses moisture, and the middle and bottom layers are oversaturated with it. In addition, as the activity of the body's systems decreases and blood flow weakens, our face becomes pale, circles and bags under the eyes appear, and all imperfections become more noticeable. Don't worry about this - everything can be fixed if you do the right facial care in the morning.


Let's talk separately about how to start the morning correctly, wake up faster and restore your skin's healthy appearance and elasticity after a long night.


Many nutritionists constantly talk about how important it is to give your skin enough moisture. This way you can prevent aging and give your face beauty and freshness. As soon as you get up, drink a glass of still mineral water, and only then go do your morning routine. This technique will allow you to quickly cheer up and refresh yourself. If you don’t feel like going straight to the kitchen in the morning, place a bottle of water and a glass on the nightstand near your bed.



In the early morning, your body is still asleep, so it is important to apply some techniques. For example, exercise improves blood circulation, which in turn transmits oxygen to each cell. So is the skin - you need to invigorate it and refresh it. To do this, you need to apply a contrast wash. First, take your palms full of warm water and wash your face, and then do the same with cold water. This way you will wash away all the toxins that were released during sleep and return your face to a lovely glow and healthy appearance. After washing, pat your skin dry with a cotton towel. Do not forget that you should have a separate towel for your face, and you need to change it more often than others. But it happens that after washing your skin, your skin becomes tight and dry, in this case it is important to replace ordinary tap water with a decoction of herbs. It could be chamomile, thyme or yarrow.



Many representatives of the fair sex, regardless of skin type, encounter such a nuisance as puffiness, swelling or bruising of the skin in the morning. This may be due not only to your rhythm and lifestyle, but also to the individual characteristics of your body. That is why you need to freeze pure mineral water without gas in ice trays in advance and wipe your face every morning. You can also freeze herbal infusions, which is also a great daily care trick. Herbs saturate the skin with beneficial vitamins, relieve redness and give a boost of energy for the whole day.



This cosmetic product is great for women and girls of any age. What you should pay attention to is the purpose of the product: there are toners for every skin type and different age groups. What is tonic used for? It is an excellent conductor for cream, perfectly moisturizes the skin and opens pores. Apply the toner to a cotton pad and wipe the skin each time before applying the cream. Tonic should definitely be on your bathroom shelf so that you start your day with it every morning.



The choice of this cosmetic product must be approached especially competently. Sometimes, to purchase a cream, you need to first consult with your cosmetologist. The face cream will be on your skin all day, so it is very important that every cell receives nutrition. The cream should also protect against negative environmental influences and ultraviolet rays. It should be an excellent makeup base, suitable for your skin type and age group. Therefore, if you do not know how to choose this product, contact a professional. If you can't make an appointment with a dermatologist, buy a facial product at the pharmacy. Today there are a large number of companies producing pharmaceutical cosmetics, and you will also receive advice from a person who is well versed in it. For morning care, you need a small pea-sized drop of cream, which must be applied with patting movements with your fingers or palm.



This area of ​​the face needs special care, so you should pay attention to it. The skin around the eyes is very thin and vulnerable, so it needs a special product. There are a huge number of eye creams on the cosmetics market, but not all of them really take good care of your skin. Usually these are creams containing plant extracts, collagen and natural oils. Apply eye cream using light patting movements with your fingers.



Many women know that it is necessary to properly care for the skin around their eyes, but they forget about the need to moisturize their lips. Your favorite lipstick will not be enough, because it does not contain the required amount of micronutrients. In the morning you need to apply a small amount of nourishing balm or hygienic lipstick with natural oils, and only then cover the skin with decorative products. This way you will prevent early aging and protect your lips from dryness and flaking. You can replace the balm with a mixture of natural oils if you already have them in your care collection.



Our skin reacts very sensitively to weather changes. In winter, you need to use a rich cream based on natural animal fats, and in the summer, replace your usual cream with one that contains SPF filters. This will help you prevent dryness and aging. Remember to apply the product every time you leave the house.


After the above procedures, you can apply makeup without fear for the purity of your skin. After all, high-quality morning facial care is the key to the health and beauty of the skin.

In the age of accelerated progress, active informatization and graceful emancipation, a woman is good in any profession. Despite all the workload, a woman knows how to devote herself to her beloved.

In secret from the whole world, she finds time to indulge in the sacrament, those magical manipulations that help her look 100%. A modern woman is not afraid to talk about her age, because she has become more educated in the field of cosmetology and personal care products and methods.

It is quite natural that when a woman is faced with the question of care, first of all she pays attention to her face. The face is a woman’s calling card and therefore we will pay special attention to morning facial care, because... We remember that even a working morning for a business woman should begin with excellent procedures that will bring her closer to her ideal image every day.

She looks younger, she is energetic and active. Self-care includes taking care of your face and body, and being more attentive to your hair, as well as your legs; in a word, a modern woman is in no hurry to solve the issue of the beauty of her body using drastic methods, resorting to the help of a plastic surgeon.

Morning is the time when our skin is especially predisposed to taking care of it, which means we can give our skin a caring procedure.

Morning procedure to awaken facial skin

The first thing to remember when performing morning facial treatments is that the facial muscles are fundamentally different from the body muscles. The facial muscles are thinner, they are flatter, with rare exceptions they are attached at one end to the bone, and at the other they are woven into the skin or into other muscles.

The facial muscles have a certain connection with each other, and therefore if some muscles of the face and neck are out of balance, then other muscles become weak and begin to, as is called, “sag.” Many people begin to pay attention to these weakened, sagging muscles, and this is a grave mistake.

You should start working with those facial muscles that are overstrained. By relieving tension from these muscles, we will restore tone to sagging muscles. However, before you start training your facial muscles, you should do gymnastics as soon as you wake up and are still lying in bed.

Lying gymnastics

To strengthen the neck. Place your palms around the front of your neck as if you are trying to strangle yourself. Raise your head up 1cm. Stay in this position for 30 seconds. and return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 30 times.

Anti-edema. Close your eyes, place your palms on your forehead, so that your little fingers are in line with the closed milestones. You need to rotate your eyes the way we do when we look up and then down. In this case, you should hold your eyebrows with your fingers, which will rise upward under muscle tension. The exercise can be repeated 10 to 15 times.

For bags under the eyes. Place your middle fingers between your eyebrows, above the bridge of your nose, with your index fingers at the outer corners of your eyes. We look up, trying to squint our eyes, and at the same time we use our fingers to prevent the muscle from doing this. We strain the muscle for 15 seconds. Relax the muscle. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

To raise eyebrows. We place our index fingers on the forehead parallel to the eyebrows, repeating their curve. Raise your eyebrows with all your might, and use your fingers to prevent muscle movement. Hold for 30 seconds at the moment of maximum tension, then let the muscles relax. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

Now you can get up and the first thing you need to do is drink a glass of water - this way you provoke an acceleration of metabolic processes in the body.

Now you can continue your gymnastics classes. You can sit on a chair and do the following exercises in turn in front of a mirror:

Exercises for the face and neck

  1. For cheek lift – we stretch our lips as we do for a kiss – with a “tube” and move them as far as possible to the right side. Then, keeping the lips in this position, we turn the neck to the right. After 5 seconds, we return to the starting position. We do the same lip movements and turn the neck to the left side. We repeat the exercise 10 times on each side.
  2. For lifting the lower part of the face – we move our lips inward, behind the lower line of the teeth, while also straining our chin and pulling it up so that the lower jaw is protruded. After 5 sec. we return to the starting position. We repeat the exercise 10 times.
  3. For neck and chin muscles, against the double chin and sagging cheeks - pull the chin forward, while placing the tongue behind the upper teeth, the mouth is closed. At the same time, we press the chin from below with two thumbs and stretch out the lower lip. You need to feel the tension in your lower face and chin. We hold the muscles in this tension for 10 seconds. and relax the muscles. The exercise is performed 10 times.
  4. Against wrinkles between eyebrows – extending the middle and index fingers parallel, we connect them and press them along the eyebrow growth line. Gently pull the skin of the face under your fingers up and to the side, as if stretching the area between the eyebrows. At the same time we try to close our eyebrows, which fails because... We don't let you do it with our fingers. You need to feel the muscle tension. Keep the muscles in this tension for up to 10 seconds. and relax. We repeat the exercise 10 times.
  5. For neck muscles — place your hand on your chest and lightly pull the skin down, while stretching your neck upward and smiling broadly with your lips closed. This is the basic pose. Next, slowly turn your head to the left, while nodding your head. We do the same to the right. We repeat the exercise 5 times in each direction.
  6. For firm cheeks - open your mouth the way we open to pronounce the letter “O”, while slowly lowering the lower jaw to the limit. Using your index fingers, lightly press the apples of your cheeks. Without closing your mouth, you need to tense your muscles as if you want to smile. We tense our muscles in a “smile” for 30 seconds, then relax. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
  7. For defined cheekbones – we stretch our lips as if we are going to pronounce the letter “I”. Holding the apples of the cheeks from “I” with your middle fingers, we try to say: “U”, while stretching our lips forward as much as possible. We hold our lips in this position for 10 seconds and return to the “I” position. Repeat 10 times.
  8. For a clear lip contour — we tighten our lips in a “ducky” manner, leaving them in this position for 10 seconds, then we move on to the widest possible grin. Hold your lips in this position for 10 seconds. We repeat the cycle 10 times.
  9. For a clear oval face – open your jaws, while pursing your lips. In this position, we push the lower jaw forward as far as possible. We linger at the point of maximum tension for 10 seconds, and then return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
  10. For chin tone — clasp the front of your neck with your palms, as if trying to strangle yourself. Slowly tilt your head back, linger at the maximum point for 10 seconds, and slowly return back. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

Now you can start washing. Remember that an excellent finishing step for washing is a contrast rinse: alternately rinse your face with warm and cold water. This procedure activates blood flow. The procedure should begin and end with warm water. You can use ice cubes. Pre-freeze pure mineral water without gas, or a decoction of herbs in ice trays and wipe the face and area around the eyes every morning. *see publication: masks and creams around the eyes

Attention! If your skin is prone to rosacea, contrast rinsing is canceled.

Moisturizing masks

The next step in your morning routine could be applying a moisturizing eye mask. Apply the mask in the morning 1-2 times a week. Keep the mask on for about 15 minutes. If you set yourself up and get up on time, you will see that a morning mask is a completely acceptable procedure for the work week. You can use ready-made masks offered by well-known brands:

Morning face masks from Kiehl’s, Garnier, Lancome – a mask based on calendula and aloe. Has a calming, cooling and moisturizing effect. It is enough to keep the mask on your face for 5 minutes, and your facial skin will receive the moisture it needs for the whole day.

Sheet mask “Moisturizing and freshness”, Garnier - the mask has a moisturizing and cleansing effect. The mask contains hyaluronic acid and green tea extract, which tightens pores. The mask is suitable for combination skin.
Exfoliant face mask Énergie De Vie, Lancôme – contains extracts of lemon balm, ginseng and cranberry. It is enough to hold the mask for 3 - 5 minutes. Has a cleansing, refreshing effect. Ideal for sensitive skin.

Morning masks prepared at home

Cabbage mask with egg yolk and vegetable oil. Great for dry skin. Grate the cabbage. Mix cabbage pulp with egg yolk and vegetable oil. The consistency of the mask should be thick. After applying to the face, after 10 minutes. wash off the mask.

Masks for even skin color based on chicken eggs. Perfect for oily skin. Chicken egg white has the property of tightening enlarged pores, and also cleanses them and activates blood circulation, nourishes, moisturizes, and also whitens the skin of the face. Beat 1 egg white. Apply the resulting foam to cleansed skin after 10 minutes. wash off. After this, you need to apply the yolk in layers, drying it for 15 minutes. Wash off the mask with warm water.

Tonic is the best conductor for the cream, which both moisturizes the skin and opens the pores. And we remember that a high-quality cosmetic product from famous brands will effectively fulfill its duties.

After toner, you can apply a day cream tailored to your skin type. In the morning, a small amount of cream will be enough. Apply the cream to the face with light patting movements of your fingers. It does not need to be rubbed into the skin.

Area around the eyes. The area around the eyes also needs a special day eye cream. Apply the eye cream with light patting movements with the pads of your fingers from the inner corner of the eye along the upper eyelid to the outer edge of the eyes, then smoothly move from the outer edge of the eyes along the lower eyelid to the inner edge of the eyes, while trying not to get the cream on the area close to the eyelash line zone.

The next stage is the lips. Moisturizing your lips is an important procedure. In the morning, you need to apply a small amount of nourishing balm (hygienic lipstick), which contains natural oils.

And remember! In winter, morning facial care differs from summer care in the type of cosmetic product. In winter, you need to use a day cream with a thicker base, and in summer, your day cream should contain SPF filters and the older you get, the higher its value should be.

Breakfast consisting of 1 tsp. honey, 1 egg (white), 180 g of whole grain porridge and 200 g of fresh vegetable salad dressed with sesame or olive oil - will provide the necessary amount of vitamins and microelements for the whole day, the body will receive energy, and the brain will prepare for active work.

If possible, eat within 30 minutes. After breakfast, a green apple will give you the same level of vigor as a cup of boiled coffee, and the pectin contained in the apple will also speed up metabolic processes.

By devoting a small amount of personal time to yourself, at home you can prolong your youth, tone your muscles and fill yourself with positive energy.

Cosmetology procedures

Test hint beauty with intelligence: Cleansing, moisturizing and toning are the main stages of daily facial skin care. Exfoliation is an additional treatment. An exfoliating mask or peel is usually used once a week.

Let's not talk about the fact that the skin needs to be cleansed and moisturized - this is already clear. Let’s better remind you what products should be included in your morning beauty ritual if your skin doesn’t want to wake up. Don't worry, we'll wake you up.

Morning facial care

Not every time we are happy with our reflection in the mirror in the morning. Paleness, puffy eyes and dull complexion - all this indicates that the skin has not yet woken up. We have several ways to wake her up.

When you finish washing, rinse your face alternately with warm (but not hot) and cold water. A change in temperature activates blood flow and lets the skin know that a new day has come and it’s time for it to wake up. Start and end the procedure with warm water.

The first thing you need to do after waking up is to drink a glass of water to speed up your body's metabolism and quench your body's morning thirst. This will invigorate the skin, and it will accept subsequent care more willingly and gratefully.

Apply a moisturizing gel mask with antioxidants. A good option is a fabric mask that fits tightly to your face, which means it won’t interfere with your business while you work. The cool, refreshing texture that distinguishes moisturizing masks will serve as an additional source of vitality.

Soothing and moisturizing face mask with calendula and aloe, Kiehl’s - this product based on aloe vera extract with calendula petals takes only 5 minutes to moisturize and invigorate the skin. Has a cooling and calming effect.

Super-hydrating cleansing sheet mask “Hydration and Freshness”, Garnier will give normal and combination skin everything they need to have a good and cheerful morning: the mask is soaked in a moisturizing composition with hyaluronic acid and green tea extract, which tightens pores. The “compress” effect helps to quickly get rid of morning puffiness.

Exfoliating face mask Énergie De Vie, Lancôme with lemon balm, ginseng and cranberry revitalizes the skin in 3 minutes, and soft abrasive particles polish it while rinsing. As a result, the face wakes up, glowing with freshness and purity. Suitable for sensitive skin.

Morning bags and circles under the eyes give the face a haggard and rumpled appearance. But fortunately, there is an ingredient that will quickly solve this problem. Caffeine acts on the skin in the same way as on the entire body - it awakens. And the area around the eyes is also provided with a lymphatic drainage effect, which relieves puffiness and disperses blue discoloration.

Here are some worthy examples:

Eye contour cream Idéalia, Vichy — the awakening effect of a cocktail with caffeine, vitamins C and B3 is complemented by radiant particles that visually transform the skin of the eyelids.

Eye care Revitalift Laser, L’Oréal Paris contains caffeine and hyaluronic acid, which moisturizes the skin and “straightens” wrinkles. Another advantage is a tube with a built-in applicator made of cool metal, which creates an “ice cube effect” to quickly get rid of swelling.

Intensively moisturizing cream-gel Hydraphase Intense Yeux, La Roche-Posay It has a refreshing texture, as well as a moisturizing and draining effect that provides the perfect morning cocktail with hyaluronic acid and caffeine.

Morning tips and lifehacks

Here are a few more life hacks that will help your skin wake up and perk up in the early morning hours.

Ear massage

Place your index and middle fingers on either side of your ears and vigorously rub these points: cheer yourself up, wake up your skin, get rid of morning pallor.

Eye mask

To quickly “open” your eyes and relieve puffiness, use a proven method - apply cotton pads soaked in cool tonic to your eyelids.

Cheek exercise

Fix your lips with your fingers and puff out your cheeks at a fast pace. This is a simple exercise:

serves to prevent the formation of nasolabial folds.

Takes a maximum of 30 seconds.