Facial skin care for acne

Prolonged skin irritation, skin rashes, the presence of black and white comedones, pustules, acne - this is a serious skin disease that requires comprehensive and systematic care and treatment. About the reasons for increased facial oiliness, see the article about the rules for caring for this skin type.

Among your products for the care of oily skin, in the presence of comedones, acne, irritation, disinfectants must be present: calendula tincture and 1% -2% salicylic alcohol for local disinfection of pustular rashes, zinc ointment, which has an antiseptic, healing and protective effect, anti-acne gel – Regetsin.

These medications must be used with caution, taking into account contraindications and individual reactions.

Salicylic alcohol 2% can only be used for local disinfection of the area of ​​inflammation, or by wiping each pimple with a separate cosmetic stick. This will help prevent the spread of infection.

It is not recommended to use this drug in higher concentrations - this may lead to irritation or burns.

Undiluted calendula tincture can also be used only for the antiseptic treatment of individual inflammatory lesions or acne. In order to use the tincture as an antibacterial lotion, it must be diluted in a ratio of 1:5 and stored in a dark glass bottle.

Wipe the inflamed areas of the face 2 times a day for 3-5 days, unless allergic reactions or peeling occur. Continued use of the alcohol solution may lead to irritation and additional problems.

Zinc ointment has been used for a long time and successfully to treat many skin diseases. Its use is especially effective for the treatment of oily, inflamed skin prone to the formation of acne and comedones. Successful treatment of acne with zinc ointment is due to the content of zinc oxide, a microelement essential for skin health and its restoration.

The ointment is applied either locally to each pimple. Or, in case of a large area of ​​inflammation, for the entire problem area. Due to the fact that zinc ointment creates a protective film on the surface, irritation and inflammation are reduced, and the recovery process is more intensive.

Regetsin, an anti-acne gel, has an antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, regenerating effect. Eliminates inflammation and promotes the disappearance of spots left behind by pimples or blackheads.

The gel must be applied to inflamed areas of the skin 2 times a day. Individual intolerance to the drug is possible. Be sure to consult your doctor.

Hydrogen peroxide, 3%, can be used as a disinfectant - with a cosmetic stick dipped in peroxide, carefully lubricate each pimple or area with comedones. Usually, their accumulation is on the wings of the nose, chin, and in the forehead area.

Can be used only as a 1-2-time remedy, in case of a sharp increase in acne or pustular rashes. Frequent use will lead to peeling and the appearance of spots on those areas of the skin where the largest pimples and blackheads were.

Several rules will help improve the condition of the skin in the presence of acne and pimples.

It is strictly forbidden to use scrubs and peels during acute inflammation of the skin, in the presence of pimples and blackheads: inflammation can spread to healthy areas of the epidermis. Initially, it is necessary to eliminate the inflammation itself and the reasons that caused it: poor nutrition, metabolic disorders, hormonal imbalance.

You cannot squeeze out pimples and pustules yourself - microtraumas contribute to the penetration of infection into the inner layers of the dermis. An unsuccessfully squeezed pimple can not only lead to the spread of infection, but also leave a scar or indentation.

In case of increased function of the sebaceous glands and in the presence of large pores, it is recommended to wipe the skin of the face, especially areas where pimples and blackheads accumulate, with a 0.5% solution of hydrochloric acid (sold in a pharmacy). This will help stop the appearance of acne and blackheads - sebaceous plugs.

The same effect is exerted by a 0.5% solution of ammonia and a 2% solution of salicylic alcohol. These solutions have an antimicrobial, degreasing and disinfectant effect.

During an acute inflammatory process, avoid procedures associated with steaming your face: steam baths and saunas. The increased blood flow to the skin caused by these procedures will cause the infection to spread.

In the evening, thoroughly cleanse your face using special products designed for oily and problematic skin. It is preferable to use gel or cream cleansers that form a foamy mass when applied to a damp face. Scrub granules can cause injury in the presence of inflammatory processes.

Gently and thoroughly, with circular movements, for 2-3 minutes, massage your face, especially problem areas. Rinse generously with water and wipe your face with sour toner.

Moisturizing cream or gel for oily skin types can be applied after a few days, when inflammation disappears and the number of pimples and blackheads decreases.

During the treatment period, in the presence of acne, special protective creams are used. Such products containing zinc oxide are found in every series of modern cosmetics from well-known brands.

Change your lifestyle and diet. Include in your diet foods containing vitamins that regulate skin condition. Find 15 minutes a day for a set of exercises, try to be in the park or outside the city more often, where the air is clean.

Diet for acne.

Proper nutrition is of great importance. Avoid unhealthy foods and drinks: cola, sweet soda, flour and sweet products, spicy, fatty, salty foods.

Meals should be small, 4-5 times a day, with a limited amount of spices and fats, which enhance the activity of the sebaceous glands.

Vegetables and fruits, rye bread containing fiber and B vitamins, all lactic acid products, lean meat and sea fish, as well as fruit and vegetable juices are healthy. Spend a month following the Mediterranean diet.

Your diet requires a high content of foods containing vitamin A and carotene (provitamin A), both animal and plant origin: butter, fish liver, egg yolks, liver and kidneys (preferably beef and chicken), all fermented milk products.

Provitamin A is found in fresh apricots and dried apricots, in all green plants: parsley, dill, lettuce, green peas, in all fruits and vegetables of yellow and orange colors.

It is the lack of vitamin A that causes not only poor vision, but also problems with skin condition: dryness, irritation, peeling and long-term skin rashes.

A lack of B vitamins in the body, in particular vitamin B1, leads to premature aging, swelling, and vitamin B2 leads to a weakened state of the body, problems with the nervous system and skin diseases.

Vitamin B1 is found in large quantities in yeast, in smaller quantities in cabbage, nuts, preferably almonds), and potatoes.

Vitamin B2 – in beef, liver, tomatoes, yolks, wheat sprouts, cheese and cottage cheese, fermented milk products.

For healthy and beautiful facial skin, you also need vitamins C and E, and the microelement zinc, which is indispensable in the treatment of acne.

A balanced diet that contains all the necessary foods containing these vitamins can help you.

Zinc is found in all citrus fruits: lemons, oranges, grapefruits, apples, sea fish, celery, radishes, potatoes, milk, currants and dates, onions and garlic, wheat bran and yeast.

If proper and thorough cleansing, disinfection and toning with products for the care of oily skin do not help eliminate problems - acne, blackheads, inflammation, then you should consult a cosmetologist or dermatologist.

The sooner treatment is started, the fewer spots and possible scars will remain on the skin, the more effective the treatment will be and the restoration of normal skin balance.

Ideal makeup for problem skin with acne

How to do makeup correctly for problematic, oily skin, pigmentation or acne (pimples). Basic rules, recommendations and makeup sequence. Read more

Care for the neck and décolleté area.

So that the neck does not show our age, it is necessary to carefully care for it: cleansing, moisturizing and nutrition, massage, masks and gymnastics will help keep it young. Read more.

Cosmetics for the care of oily skin.

In order to normalize the function of the sebaceous glands, cleanse and tighten pores, give the face a healthy appearance and matteness, it is best to use an integrated approach and products from the same series. Read more.

Medicinal herbs for clear facial skin.

Infusions and tinctures of medicinal herbs, homemade tonics, will help eliminate peeling and inflammation, pimples and blackheads. How to properly prepare homemade remedies. Read more.

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How to get rid of acne? This question worries 80% of teenagers. Although pimples on the face can appear not only in teenagers, but also in those “over thirty.” We were also concerned about this problem and tried to find ways to solve it.

  1. What is acne
  2. Why does acne appear?
  3. Stages of acne development
  4. Types of acne
  5. Skin care rules for acne
  6. Cosmetology procedures
  7. Benefits of diet
  8. Cosmetics and prevention

What is acne

Acne is an inflammatory disease of the pilosebaceous follicles. When the sebaceous glands increase in size and produce excess sebum, the hair canal becomes blocked. A sebaceous plug is formed - an ideal environment for bacteria to multiply, then the inflammatory process begins. This is how pimples appear on the face (their synonyms are blackheads and acne).

Acne appears due to blockage of the sebaceous glands © iStock

Why does acne appear?

The occurrence of acne is a consequence of increased activity of the sebaceous glands. There may be several reasons.

The main reason for increased sebum production is a high level of male sex hormones androgens, or increased sensitivity of the sebaceous glands to them. These phenomena are observed at a young age and are considered natural until the age of 25.

Oily skin can react by actively producing sebum to chronic stress, which leads to inflammatory processes and rashes at any age.

One of the most important factors that cannot be adjusted. But if you know that you are genetically predisposed to hypersebony and acne, you have a good chance of controlling the situation and avoiding serious forms of the disease.

If before the onset of your “critical days” a pimple or two pops up, and the rest of the time your skin is clear, you do not have acne. Reasons for a possible diagnosis are multiple blackheads (not only on the nose, but also on the forehead and cheeks), white comedones and pimples. The severity of acne (i.e. acne) depends on:

the number of inflammatory elements and their depth;

presence or absence of scars.

Stages of acne development

The severity of the disease depends on the number of inflammatory elements © iStock

As we remember, the process begins:

with increased sebum production by enlarged sebaceous glands;

disruption of the processes of exfoliation of horn cells.

Excess sebum provides food for bacteria living in the hair follicle, and they literally feast on their favorite treat. After a stormy “feast”, a fair amount of free fatty acids remains, provoking the formation of substances that increase the formation of sebum and inflammation.

Increased oil production, clogged pores, bacterial growth and inflammation all lead to acne.

Any comedon (aka acne) is a potential pimple. With a constant influx of sebum, bacteria begin to multiply inside the sebaceous plug, causing an inflammatory reaction in the hair follicle. The main task is to prevent the development of inflammation.

If the pimple has already popped up and a purulent head appears at the top of the red tubercle, this is not as bad as it might seem.

It is much worse if the inflammation fails to break through and continues to rage in the depths of the skin. In this case, we are dealing with deep acne, which may leave scars.

Types of acne

In the language of dermatologists, acne rashes are divided into two groups:

These are the most common black dots - sebaceous plugs that appear on the surface, which have changed their color as a result of the oxidation of melanin.

An open comedone is a non-inflammatory element; it is easy to get rid of such pimples using home care with the support of salon cleaning.

They are more dangerous because the sebaceous plug has no way out. They look like white subcutaneous bumps and can become inflamed and turn into pimples. Under no circumstances should you try to squeeze them out yourself.

Red bumps, they are also pimples, but without pustules. They are often the result of inflammation of a closed comedone.

Classic pimples with a purulent head crowning them. It is the pustules that give us the thirst for violence and the desire to squeeze them out. It is known how an inept assault can end:

at best, a stain will remain;

at worst - worsening inflammation plus another new pimple nearby.

Insidious subcutaneous pimples, indicating a deep inflammatory process and a high risk of scarring. The appearance of multiple nodes indicates severe acne. There is no point in thinking about dealing with it on your own. Let's run to the doctor.

Acne cysts are painful subcutaneous inflammations that can merge with each other, forming large cavities. They characterize a severe form of acne and require long-term treatment.

Skin care rules for acne

Wash your face strictly twice a day © iStock

Proper care will help correct the manifestations of acne and prevent its further development.

Main tips: wash your face twice a day using special products designed for problem skin; do not touch your face with your hands during the day and, of course, do not squeeze pimples.

Do not use alcohol-based products or wash your face with soap: disruption of the natural lipid barrier will cause a response in the form of increased sebum secretion. To help you - gels and lotions with acids and anti-inflammatory components.

Avoid greasy creams; they can clog pores and make the rash worse. Look for the inscription “non-comedogenic” on the packaging; choose light gel-like textures.

Cosmetology procedures

For moderate and severe forms of acne, drug treatment and the use of external medications will be required to relieve the inflammatory process. When the disease passes the acute form, the doctor will prescribe procedures that will help cope with superficial rashes and clear the skin of acne. Despite the wide range of procedures indicated for acne, there are not many that are effective.

An effective way to completely cleanse your face of comedones. It can be mechanical or ultrasonic.

With a well-designed regimen, a course of acid peels can literally transform the skin.

There are different types, used to treat acne and post-acne due to its powerful renewing effect.

Liquid nitrogen perfectly resolves stagnant post-acne spots, dries out pimples and stimulates the regeneration process.

Benefits of diet

When treating acne, the right diet is important © iStock

To understand how to get rid of acne, analyze your diet. Sugar and carbohydrate foods, as well as milk and trans fats, stimulate the sebaceous glands. If you are prone to rashes, the consumption of these products should be kept to a minimum.

Vegetables, nuts, protein and low-carb foods, olive oil, fatty fish - these are the components of an ideal diet that acne will not like very much.

Cosmetics and prevention

If you have a large amount of acne and blackheads, you cannot do without treatment prescribed by a doctor. But cosmetics for problem skin will help prevent new rashes, reduce their number and keep the situation under control.

Cleansing is the most important step in caring for problem skin. Want to know how to get rid of acne? Use products that cleanse the skin deeply, but without aggression. Foaming gels with acids, lotions with herbs, scrubs with charcoal, masks with clay are your best friends.

Product name Action Ingredients
Micellar water Effaclar Ultra, La Roche-Posay Removes makeup, micro-pollution and excess sebum, mattifies, does not create a friction effect. micelles, glycerin
Alcohol-free toner for all skin types Equalizing Toner, Skinceuticals Removes impurities without disturbing the pH of the skin, has a sebum-regulating and soothing effect. extracts of witch hazel, thyme, cucumber, kiwi, aloe and chamomile
Gel for deep skin cleansing Normaderm, Vichy Visibly cleanses pores without tightening the skin, enriched with salicylic acid, which has an antibacterial effect. salicylic acid
Mask “Magic of clay. Cleansing and mattifying”, L’Oréal Paris Cleanses pores, mattifies, fights imperfections. three types of clay: kaolin, gassoul, montmorillonite plus eucalyptus extract
Ultra-cleansing gel against acne and blackheads “Clean Skin Active”, Garnier Cleanses the skin surface from excess sebum and impurities. blueberry extract, vegetable charcoal, salicylic acid

For skin with acne, banal moisturizing is not enough - it needs products that have exfoliating, sebum-regulating and anti-inflammatory effects, but do not dry out the skin.

Product name Action Ingredients
SERUM FOR SKIN WITH ACNE AND AGE CHANGES BLEMISH+AGE DEFENSE, SKINCEUTICALS Reduces greasiness, evens out skin texture, helps prevent rashes and the appearance of post-acne. acids: dioic, caprylic-salicylic, salicylic, glycolic, citric
Corrective care against imperfections “Normaderm 24 hours moisturizing”, Vichy Corrects and prevents imperfections, neutralizes oily shine, promotes the regeneration process. salicylic acid 1.5% + LHA, PhE-Resorcinol, Air Licium
CREAM-GEL EFFACLAR DUO (+), LA ROCHE-POSAY Inhibits the proliferation of bacteria, prevents and corrects post-acne marks. lipohydroxy- and salicylic acid, piroctone olamine, niacinamide
Fluid with herbs for problem skin Blue Herbal Moisturizer, Kiehl’s Moisturizes and prevents inflammation. salicylic acid, cinnamon and ginger root extracts

Products that are applied directly to pimples to stop and control inflammation are your ultimate secret weapon to clear up acne quickly.


Most often, the problem of acne on the skin appears during puberty, when hormone levels increase sharply. Androgens stimulate the activity of the sebaceous glands, which produce too much sebum.

Acne skin, as a rule, is oily, however, it can be quite easily dried out by excessive care and the wrong selection of cosmetics - and this will only worsen its condition.


Features of acne skin

Skin with acne is characterized by seborrhea: sebaceous glands produce excessive amounts of sebum (or lard), which causes shine and a “greasy” feeling in the skin. This skin condition indicates that it is an oily skin type.

However, this does not mean that it should be dried with alcohol-based cosmetics and washed several times a day. Moderation should be observed in everything, as dry skin is even more prone to irritation and acne.


In the case of acne, the clogged openings of the hair follicles (pores) are clearly visible, especially on the chin and nose. In this regard, you should not use greasy primers and creams - this can lead to deterioration of the skin condition.

The imperfections that appear on acne-prone skin are divided into inflammatory and non-inflammatory forms:

  1. inflammatory – these are papules, pustules and purulent cysts;
  2. non-inflammatory – these are acne and pimples.

Acne skin problems arise not only during adolescence.

Different types of acne appear at different ages, for example:

  1. acne vulgaris at puberty, is currently a common disease in people over 30 years of age;
  2. infant acne in young children;
  3. rosacea in adults, over 30 years old.

Acne skin care

There are five “phases” of care that should be applied morning and evening, both for oily and problem skin, and for dry or normal skin:

The skin of the face must be regularly cleansed of dust, dirt and makeup. However, one should not exaggerate with this type of procedure, as it can bring the opposite result; the skin can become dry and irritated. It is enough to wash your face and neck twice a day using non-greasy cosmetics, preferably in the form of foams or gels. Frequent washing worsens seborrhea. When caring for acne-prone skin, you should avoid using regular soap as it increases sebum production from the glands and makes the skin alkaline, which encourages the development of bacteria. You should also not use alcohol-based products, which, in addition to drying and irritation, lead to deterioration of the skin condition. After the main wash, rinse your face with warm water and apply moisturizer.

Action anti-acne drugs based on preventing the formation of acne, cleaning dead epidermis, reducing seborrhea, as well as an antibacterial effect. All other preparations enriched with waxes and oils clog pores, so they are not recommended when caring for acne-prone skin.

Moisturizing and cleaning

Exposure to external factors such as dust or sweating can increase acne formation. In such situations, it is worth having wet wipes or cotton pads on hand for cleaning, which allow you to cleanse the skin of impurities without irritating it.

In order to eliminate individual changes, you can use special gels or spot applications that have an antibacterial and dehydrating effect. It is also recommended to perform peeling once a week, especially chemical peeling, which gently cleanses the epidermis, smoothes and brightens the skin.

The main problem with most cosmetics is clogged pores. In patients with acne, their use is detrimental to the skin. Therefore, for many years, experts have been developing cosmetics based on free components with antibacterial effects. Such cosmetics, in particular equalizers, perfectly mask certain skin changes, have an antibacterial effect and accelerate healing.

To keep your skin in its best shape and get rid of acne, additional rules must be observed:

  1. Using antibacterial gel to wash your face.
  2. Wash your face with an antibacterial toner (and use throughout the day to refresh your face).
  3. Application of a cream with antibacterial and desquamating effect.
  4. Applying an antibacterial cream at night that regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  5. Applying gel or cream under the eyes.
  6. Once a week, peeling or applying a cleansing mask (the condition for its use is the absence of purulent changes).
  7. Use UVA/UVB sunscreen in summer.
  8. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables (vitamin and mineral balance is very important for the skin), milk and dairy products also have a beneficial effect on the appearance of the skin.
  9. Supplementing the diet with vitamins A, B2, B5, as well as zinc salts.
  10. Use only antibacterial cosmetics for makeup.
  11. Always use cosmetics intended for problem skin, however, if a particular series irritates or dries out the skin, you should choose another cosmetic;
  12. You should not use toners with alcohol, as this significantly dries out the skin, even oily ones;
  13. Non-greasy creams, preferably with a UV filter, are part of the daily care of oily skin, even if it seems that such skin does not need hydration;
  14. To apply creams, you should use your fingertips - special sponges and brushes, this is a habitat for bacteria and they should not be used in case of problem skin;
  15. Washing acne-prone skin too often is also not a good solution: it irritates the skin and deprives it of its natural protection - simple cleansing in the morning and evening is enough;
  16. If acne appears after certain fatty or spicy foods, it is best to avoid them, but it has not yet been proven that, for example, chocolate or pizza causes acne.

The conditions for success in treating acne are patience and systematicity. IN acne treatment drugs are used that are easily absorbed through the skin, act selectively, help skin regeneration, limit the development of bacteria, treat inflammatory processes, and protect the skin.

Acne skin care takes a little longer than caring for other skin types. Such skin needs - in addition to daily cleansing, toning and moisturizing - tightening masks, peelings, applied once a week or less, depending on your needs. It is also useful to periodically visit a cosmetologist for a professional facial scrub procedure.

Cosmetics for problem skin with acne

In preparations intended for care for seborrhea-prone skin, often use the antiseptic properties of sulfur. Amino acids are also effective in combating this kind of skin disorders, in particular, N-acetylomethionine And N-acetylcysteine, which regulate the amount of sebum secreted.

Camphor is also often used, which has an anti-inflammatory, keratolytic, disinfectant effect, and also improves blood supply to the skin.

Among other preparations, plant extracts are very often used, such as chamomile, sage, calendula, rosemary, oak bark, witch hazel or birch extract.

Important components in the fight against acne are also fruit acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids (linoleic, linolenic, arachidic). They cause changes in the hydrolipid membrane, thereby controlling the composition of microorganisms in the stratum corneum.

Their deficiency can cause unfavorable changes in the bacterial flora, which, among other things, promotes the growth of fungi and lipophilic bacteria that cause inflammatory processes in the skin.

It is also useful to use propolis. It is a sticky resinous substance, yellow, green or brown in color with a pleasant, aromatic odor.

Propolis is characterized by a strong bactericidal and fungicidal effect. It is an effective remedy in the treatment of many inflammatory and purulent diseases.

Its extracts have an anesthetic and antioxidant effect. They reduce the formation of acne and have an active but gentle restorative effect on the skin. For this reason, propolis is very often used not only in anti-acne preparations, but also in aftershave, deodorants and soaps.

Very often used in anti-acne medications benzoyl peroxide, which has keratolytic and antibacterial properties.

Similar effects can be achieved using azelaic acid. It reduces the number of fungi, limits the process of melanogenesis, making it useful for hyperpigmentation due to inflammatory processes.

Also often used in preparations for oily skin zinc oxide, which absorbs excess fat generated by the sebaceous glands, thereby enhancing the treatment of seborrhea.

Its action is no significantly different from other drugs. It is used as a component of ointments with an antibacterial effect and accelerates wound healing. In addition, zinc oxide absorbs ultraviolet rays, is insoluble in water, and is resistant to light, so it is used as a UVA/UVB filter.

In addition to widely used cosmetic preparations, it is worth remembering that improvement of metabolism brings equally significant benefits.

Herbs such as fennel, tricolor violet, chamomile or sage tea can be helpful in treating acne. Aromatherapy (tea tree oil, cinnamon and cumin, lavender, juniper) can also bring satisfactory results. Essential oils, however, should not be applied directly to the skin, but can be diluted with water or added to creams and masks (one drop).

Home remedies for acne

In addition to special methods used by a cosmetologist, there are proven home methods used to care for acne-prone skin.

This is, for example, herbal compress:

Brew horsetail and yarrow, let cool so as not to burn yourself and apply to face for 20 minutes.

Another method is yeast mask:

A tablespoon of yeast should be crumbled and mixed with two teaspoons of warm milk, apply the paste to your face and rinse off after 20 minutes.

Makeup for problem skin

Very often, skin with acne looks unnatural, as a result, a person with acne does not leave home without a thick layer of powder and concealer.

If such “disguise” is really necessary, it is better to choose cosmetics with light texture. Since cream ones will clog the hair follicles and worsen the current condition.

Regardless of your skin type, you should always remove your makeup before going to bed—and also remove it when you no longer need it, such as after returning home.

What to avoid if you have problem skin

Most common mistakes in caring for acne skin - This:

  1. squeezing pimples;
  2. excessive drying of the skin;
  3. lack of moisture and protection from UV rays;
  4. use of cosmetics for other skin types;
  5. covering imperfections with layers of makeup, which further clogs the openings of the hair follicles;
  6. self-treatment of acne - in case of severe acne, it is better to go to a dermatologist;
  7. touching your face with your hands, hair, mobile phone, hat - wherever bacteria are hidden that can worsen the condition of the skin.

Acne skin – This is one of the most complex skin types. You need to be very careful not to overdry it, as this can cause acne to worsen. However, with proper care, there is a good chance that the problem will disappear and the skin will return to balance.

Stress is an integral part of our daily life. Family, professional, financial problems, rising crime and terrorist threats lead to the fact that our body is subjected to a daily huge load of stress, which weakens our resilience and is a catalyst for many diseases. Therefore, acne or other skin changes may be a result of stress. Most scientists agree that acne is not a direct result of stress, but stress significantly worsens the problem for those with acne-prone skin. prone to acne.

It is enough to remember all the important events in our lives, such as a first date, an interview or an important meeting. Very often, preparations for such important events were overshadowed by unexpectedly appearing acne.

As a result of stress, severe and prolonged, the body releases glucocorticoids (natural steroids), which, in turn, affect the secretion of fat through the sebaceous glands. Therefore, we can safely say that stress leads to aggravation of the acne problem, especially in people with a tendency to skin changes.

If the response to stress is the release of glucocorticoids, which are responsible for activating the sebaceous glands, try reduce stress levels. This can be achieved, for example, by practicing a favorite sport, focusing on a hobby, or doing something that takes your mind off problems and helps you relax. Experts believe that adequate dose of sleep and meditation is a very good way to reduce stress and improve the appearance of our skin.

First of all, you need to spend as much time as possible on what you like, and although it is easier said than done, remember that our health is our most precious gift, which must be constantly taken care of.

Tanning that “cure” acne is a myth. Maybe after tanning your skin looks better for a while. But it becomes dry and more susceptible to irritation. In addition, it stimulates the sebaceous glands. After some time, the skin condition will noticeably worsen.

Moreover, tanning without UV protection increases the risk of developing skin cancer. Every exposure to the sun, not only in summer, should be accompanied by the use of a cream with a filter of at least 15, which blocks UVA and UVB radiation.

It should also be kept in mind that retinoids (vitamin A derivatives) applied directly to the skin as prescribed by a dermatologist make the skin more vulnerable to sunburn and irritation. While using them you must be very careful in the sun!

Mitotoxins - These are toxic substances that mushrooms release into the atmosphere. Mitotoxins are colorless and odorless. Warm, humid, and foul-smelling environments favor the development of mitotoxin-producing fungi. There are many types of fungi, the appearance of which entails the saturation of the air with mitotoxins.

Mitotoxins pose a danger to our health even without direct contact with fungi. Physical contact, i.e. touching or, worse, ingesting it exposes the body to serious infection. In addition, people who have vitamin deficiencies and poor diets, excessive alcohol consumption, or frequent infections are more susceptible to the effects of mitotoxins.

Mitotoxins can cause acne.

Why do mitotoxins make skin worse?

The skin is the largest organ in our body. As a rule, we take care of it very carefully, since we are able to notice the slightest changes that appear on it. The most important fact is that the skin reflects the health of the entire body and protects it from the invasion of foreign infections and toxins.

Often, when we suffer from some kind of disease, it makes itself felt in the form of skin changes. Therefore, when mitotoxins attack our body, our skin has many problems. The body tries to cleanse itself of mitotoxins by removing them through the pores of the skin, thereby exposing it to a toxic load.

How to cleanse the body of mitotoxins

The main way to combat mitotoxins in the body is a cleansing diet. Drink plenty of water and other fluids while detoxifying your body. This will help not only in flushing them out, but also in hydrating the body, which is very important, since during the detoxification process you will lose a lot of fluid.