How famous media figures lose weight

Excess weight is a problem for many women. Losing pounds is not easy. But there are people who consider plumpness beautiful.

On the set of a talk show they discussed this topic. Guests - Yulia Kuvarzina, Natasha Koroleva and Dana Borisova - shared their experience of losing weight.

Yulia Kuvarzina gained weight while filming TV series. She dreamed of losing weight to 65 kg, but the weight only increased. The actress managed to lose 20 kg when she went to the gym and ate right. But then the kilograms returned. Julia accepted herself as she is.

Director Elena Vinyarskaya also recovered after giving birth. She tried different methods, eventually turning to a nutritionist. It helped me lose weight, but my shape remained the same. Elena decided that being overweight makes a person kinder.

Dana Borisova is sure that for a public person, weight affects work. She gained 30 kg due to stress. Dana wore “her mother’s rags” and was worried. On the “The Last Hero” project, she lost weight through fasting. Although the nutritionist warns about the dangers of this method. But Dana considers this a small price to pay for returning to an active life.

Singer Natasha Koroleva is not overweight, but she is curvy. Her son affectionately calls her “fat chicken.” And the husband makes sure that his wife does not overeat.

This is how stars struggle with excess weight in order to fit the image in show business. But many have learned to love themselves as they are.