How female figures changed in the twentieth century

When talking about the history of 20th century style in clothing, makeup, hairstyles and figure, we invariably turn to the United States, although it would seem that fashion was always “forged” in Paris and Milan. But America dominated the political arena, which means it set the tone even in the beauty industry.


At the beginning of the twentieth century, women mercilessly tortured their bodies - not with exhausting diets, but with strict and merciless corsets, trying to tighten their waists to an unimaginable 40 cm! The more you tighten it, the better - this is associated with constant fainting from the slightest irritant. The size of the breasts and the volume of the hips did not play a big role, since even the smallest advantages will look impressive against the background of a wasp waist.


The era of the First World War made its own adjustments. Men went to war, and the female body turned out to be of no use to anyone. The corsets were thrown deep and for a long time into the closet. Femininity was condemned at the social level. What's the use of a beautiful figure if you can't work for two?


When the men returned home, they saw completely different women. As if to spite the stronger sex, they tried to move away from sexuality as far as possible and become “their guy.” Girls with straight, thin figures, small breasts and narrow hips ruled the roost. And many owners of “great gifts of nature” had to hide them in special slimming bras - an unthinkable accessory for the present time!


Having played enough with men, women suddenly remembered their sexuality and began to return to their roots. Under the influence of Hollywood stars, representatives of the fair sex tried to emphasize all their advantages under new, clinging outfits, and here the boyish girls had a hard time.


In this era, half of the world again got involved in war, women “pulled together” and began to wear strict outfits that would emphasize their then fashionable slender figures.


In the mid-twentieth century, female sexuality reached its peak - everything could be shown. The hourglass figure blossomed again, however, unlike the 1900s, it was not triangles, but beautiful natural curves.


The next decade cut off all the achievements of the previous one. The legendary Twiggy appeared. Looking at the mop model, the girls readily swept away the helpfully prepared diet pills from pharmacy counters.


This era made women think about their bodies. The best cure for this “disgrace” is sports. It was athletic female figures that were valued above all else back then.


For the first time in history, supermodels appear (Claudia Schiffer, Cindy Crawford, etc.). They are thin, but not to the point of being sickly like Twiggy, and much taller than the average woman. Reaching the standard has never been so difficult, so top models have become something of a separate caste.


And again the female figure is thrown into the extremes of the “boyish” 20s. As a result, straight and tall with protruding bones and visible ribs become an almost unattainable ideal for “mere mortals.”


The last decade has slightly improved the situation. Now thinness was replaced by ordinary slimness, but this slimness was athletic and with all this, the woman also had to have large breasts.

Thus, throughout the twentieth century, the female ideal of beauty changed depending on historical events and fashion trends. But it is worth remembering that the main thing is harmony with your own body, and not the pursuit of imposed standards.