What you need to know about yoga so as not to be disappointed

Yoga is a very fashionable activity these days. Almost every second person wants to master the art of meditation to relieve stress. But not everyone has the patience to get to this stage. What do you need to know about yoga before starting classes so as not to be disappointed in it?

Not everyone can stretch

No matter how much you meditate, your muscles will not become more elastic. Looking at Asians who can easily sit in the lotus position, we think that it is, in general, not so difficult. However, the stretching capabilities of Europeans are generally much more modest. Some yoga practitioners never manage to sit properly. But this does not mean that you do not need to work hard on yourself, developing flexibility. Until it is sufficient, place a high, firm pillow under your butt so that your knees and hips are at the same level. After all, if you have to meditate for several hours, only in this position you will not feel discomfort.

Yoga and meditation are inseparable concepts

The main difference between yoga and the same stretching and Pilates is precisely to penetrate deep into yourself, doing soul-searching - to find harmony with yourself and the outside world. Otherwise, it will just be stretching, and not entirely effective. And the exercises preceding meditation - asanas - are designed to put you in the right mood.

You will meet a lot of random people

Yoga has long been in fashion - like sushi, for example - and it still doesn’t go out of it. Accordingly, a large mass of people do not bother to understand the details of the exercise and go to the gym to lose weight, take selfies, and look at the few but handsome guys with good stretching. Of course, if you are pursuing completely different goals, then such people will annoy you.

The only way to get rid of them is to ignore them. Soon they will realize that they can lose weight much faster in the gym, and there are more guys with a ripped torso there, and they will leave. Others will think about the true purpose of yoga and stay to change themselves, and not to lose a couple of kilograms or find a life partner.

It's important to find the right mentor

Among yoga teachers there are often “very enlightened” people who have become so enlightened that they cannot return from the other world to earth. They are arrogant and arrogant, they believe that they are better than others because - unlike mere mortals - they can perform aerobatics twists and bends. They look arrogantly at your “pathetic” attempts to sit in the lotus position.

If you suddenly meet such an instructor, run away from him. Perhaps he really knows a lot, but is he able to share his experience with you? Believe me, everyone can find a coach close to their spirit, even if they have to change more than one class. The choice of a mentor must be taken very seriously, otherwise how will you be able to comprehend the intricacies of meditation if you constantly feel out of place.

Yogi is just a person

We often watch on TV elders sitting on nails and walking on coals in a trance. This creates an aura of superman around them. In fact, they are the same people with daily worries about what to have for lunch today and what will happen tomorrow. It’s just that these problems worry them much less – this is the plus of yoga. You will learn to relate to this world more simply and positively.