How to determine a person's illness by his hands

Hands are a storehouse of all kinds of information: from them, like from a book, you can learn not only about a person’s past and future, his inclinations and character, but also about the state of his health - you just have to look closely at them.

Red palms indicate toxic damage to the liver: hepatitis or hepatosis is possible. A marble pattern on the palms indicates problems in the autonomic nervous system. If the skin of the palms acquires a yellowish tint, then there are probably changes in the liver or gall bladder (hepatitis, cholelithiasis, disorders of the bile ducts, cholangitis, cholecystitis).

Brown spots on the back of the hand indicate not only age (disturbances in the pigmentation of the skin, characteristic mainly of older people), but also mean that you have problems with the gallbladder.

If the skin on the hand, and especially on the palm, peels off in small plates, this may be a sure indication of a lack of vitamins A and D. If the palms peel off in large plates, you need to consult a dermatologist: a fungus has settled on your hands.

Hand temperature - condition barometer

Cold hands are a sign of impaired peripheral circulation; the body lacks nicotinic acid. Therefore, you need to take care to replenish its supply with the help of vitamin preparations or add to your diet foods that contain this acid in abundance: dairy products, meat, fish, mushrooms, buckwheat, beans, cabbage.

If the palms, on the contrary, burn, it means that the liver cannot cope with intoxication caused by poisoning with drugs, alcohol, and chemicals. Doctors call them hepatic.

The syndrome of “crawling goosebumps” on the palm indicates that a person has problems with the endocrine system.

Wet hands also indicate endocrine problems - possibly an overactive thyroid gland. And dry and pale skin on the palms is a sign of hypothyroidism (hypothyroidism).

Spots on your fingertips may indicate health problems

If a person often experiences numbness in his little fingers, he should consult a cardiologist - these problems are related to the cardiovascular system. Numbness of the thumbs indicates weakness of the respiratory system.

If deep longitudinal folds similar to wrinkles appear on the skin of the terminal phalanges of the fingers, you should pay attention to the endocrine system - you may have hypothyroidism or diabetes.

If your fingertips turn purple, you need to look into your digestive system. Dark red or even purple - you should pay attention to the kidneys and liver.

Spots on the mounds of Venus (as palmists call the elevated bases of the thumbs) are a possible sign that not everything is in order with the genitals.

Itching on the side surface of the index finger of the right hand indicates problems in the functioning of the colon.

Roughness of the skin on the back of the index finger often indicates problems with the gallbladder.

Crunching in the joints is a sign of calcium deficiency

Many interesting conclusions can be drawn by paying attention to the condition of the joints. Excessively flexible joints (as well as, conversely, those that do not bend at all) with a general decreased tone of the muscles of the fingers mean problems in the functioning of the liver and gall bladder.

Crunching in the joints of the hands indicates a lack of calcium in the body.

Irregularly shaped, painful finger joints are a sign of arthrosis. Most often, such changes occur in people suffering from gout.

If the joints begin to painfully swell and swell, redness appears, you need to urgently consult a doctor - this is a clear manifestation of polyarthritis.

And pain between the second and third phalanges of the ring and index fingers warns of the imminent manifestation of a serious illness in the knee joints.

Future ailments can be predicted by the shape of your hand

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