How should a hypotensive person live?

Hypotension is often confused with depression. They are very similar in symptoms: decreased performance, irritability, bad mood. A person with hypotension may experience poor memory, become distracted, and have difficulty concentrating. Emotional instability, increased sensitivity to bright light or loud speech predominates.

One of the main signs of hypotension is headaches and dizziness. Headache is often associated with fluctuations in atmospheric pressure, large meals, and prolonged standing.

What is hypotension? Hypotension is the low blood pressure that blood exerts on the walls of blood vessels. For simplicity, doctors call this phenomenon hypotension, and people who have a tendency to low blood pressure are called hypotensive.

Typically, those suffering from this disease have blood pressure levels that do not exceed 90/60. The first number shows the level of systolic (upper) pressure, the second serves as an indicator of diastolic (lower) pressure. If the levels drop even lower, the person begins to feel a strong loss of strength, dizziness and headache.

Constant stress can provoke hypotension, so try not to get nervous over trifles. As a preventive measure, start taking mild herbal sedatives, such as valerian or motherwort. But only a doctor can prescribe the correct treatment.

Some people feel strongly dependent on weather conditions, this is called weather sensitivity. Medicine does not cure this unpleasant condition, but attacks can be alleviated by walking in the fresh air in the evenings.

A decrease in the general immunity of the body and infectious diseases also contribute to the development of hypotension. Therefore, in the autumn-winter period, try to dress according to the weather and include foods containing vitamin C in your diet: lemons, sea buckthorn, rose hips, rowan.

Tips to help you overcome the disease on your own:

  1. Try to get enough sleep - healthy sleep lasts at least 8 hours a day.

  2. Make it a habit to do this simple exercise every night: Lie on your bed and raise your legs above heart level.

  3. Be sure to ventilate your bedroom and spend time in the fresh air more often.

  4. Take regular walks. If the weather permits, try to walk to work rather than take buses and minibuses.

  5. Drink at least 1.5 liters of still water daily.

  6. If you feel like your head is starting to spin and there is a tingling sensation in the heart area, eat caramel.

  7. If you often try different diets and find signs of hypotension, it’s time to stop dieting.

To feel good, you, hypotensive people, need to look after yourself and take care of yourself. Be healthy!