Cartilaginous minced meat

Cartilaginous Minced Meat is a “hodgepodge” of highly crushed cartilage (mainly vertebrate) and other residues from their processing. Often it is not widely used. It resembles a meat cutlet, also made from meat, but with a more complex recipe. Therefore, as mentioned above, this term is best applied to cats. The composition is a complete nutritious product with a set of macro- and micro-minerals, as well as vitamins, necessary for cats. Very rich in calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, copper, iodine, etc. Thanks to the balanced composition of vitamins, microelements, fats, proteins and dietary fiber, minced cartilage for cats has a positive effect on vital organs, systems and metabolic processes, namely vessels, joints and ligaments of the musculoskeletal system of pets. Overall, this is an excellent product, which can only cause harm if the dosage is too high or if a low-quality product of questionable manufacture is used. Its main advantage is its availability and taste that is attractive to animals, for example, the same as that of fish or liver.