
Hypersthenia is a condition in which a person experiences increased physical activity, fatigue and tension in the body. It can occur for various reasons, such as stress, lack of sleep, poor diet, etc. Hypersthenia manifests itself in a variety of symptoms, including muscle spasms, rapid heartbeat, headache and others. To treat hypersthenia, it is recommended to reduce stress levels, improve the quality of sleep and nutrition, and exercise.

Hypersthenia is excessive physical force or tension in the body, which can manifest itself in various forms and situations. This disease is one of the many types of hyperkinesia, which is characterized by involuntary movement of various muscles in the human body. Hypersthenia is often observed in children and adolescents, especially during periods of physical development and growth of the body. It can occur at any time of the day or night and last from a few minutes to several hours.

Symptoms of hypertension include excessive physical activity, where a person constantly feels the need to move, jump and dance in order to calm down. In addition, hypertension often leads to decreased self-esteem and impaired social adaptation. Hypertension is also associated with poor mental health, such as irritability, depression and cognitive decline. In severe cases of hypertension, problems with health and functioning occur.

Hypersthenia – excessive endurance, strength, physical activity. With this anomaly, a person’s neurophysiological reaction in response to physical activity exceeds the statistical average for a healthy body. This can range from people barely being able to walk from their bedroom to the bathroom to working and exercising twice as long as their peers.

Hypersthenia in adults can manifest itself in various forms. For example, a tendency toward excessive physical activity occurs in people who rely too much on exercise while ignoring proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. This leads to a decrease in body weight, primarily muscles. Such hypertension is often observed in young girls in pursuit of thinness. But it quickly disappears as the muscle skeleton recovers after a long period of intense exercise.

What is hypersthenia?

**Hypersthenias** is a state of nervous and muscular tension, usually manifested by an irresistible desire to move. Hypertension (during prolonged, strenuous activity or negative emotions without sufficient grounds) occurs in a person only after a significant depletion of the existing energy reserve, when all remaining energy resources have been used.

Adults are characterized by fatigue, severe weakness during activity, increased irritability, excitability, sleep disturbance and bad mood, decreased performance. The constant dominance of the desire to move forces one to talk or move completely unnecessarily, which is compensation for asthenia (weak