
Ichthyosis (also known as diffuse keratoma and sauriasis) is a rare skin disease characterized by the formation of scales on the surface of the skin. It can manifest itself in various forms, including lamellar, nummular and dystrophic forms.

The lamellar form of ichthyosis appears as large, flat scales that may be yellow or brown in color. They are usually located on the face, neck, arms and legs. The nummular form is characterized by the formation of small, round scales on the skin. The dystrophic form appears as thin, dry skin with many small scales.

The causes of ichthyosis are still unknown, but it is believed that it may be related to genetic factors as well as metabolic disorders in the skin. Treatment for ichthyosis may include the use of creams and ointments containing corticosteroids, as well as the use of ultraviolet light to improve the condition of the skin.

However, despite all the efforts of doctors, ichthyosis can cause significant inconvenience and discomfort in patients. Therefore, it is very important to monitor the condition of your skin and consult a doctor when the first symptoms of the disease appear.

Ichthyosis is a chronic skin disease manifested by the formation of scales as a consequence of disruption of the process of keratinization of the skin and sebum metabolism. There are congenital and acquired CONGENITAL ICTHYOSIS

- ichthyosiform erythroderma is a congenital hereditary ichthyosis, often observed in children, characterized by a diffuse manifestation, the formation of thick brownish-red hyperkeratotic areas in the form of a continuous infiltrate, almost devoid of hair, which are called “ichthyosiform plaques.” The patient's general condition suffers little, ESR is slightly increased. - vulgar ichthyosis (ichthyosiform ruberoderma) - observed in children over 6 years of age, less often in adults. Boys are sick. Clinical signs resemble those of ichthyosiform erythroderma, but the rash is less pronounced. The child looks somewhat well-fed, his face is puffy, his cheeks are red, his legs are hot. Vicious circles are formed. The affected surface area varies greatly from limited lesions to total ichthyositic erythroderma. Severe cases require hospitalization. PREVENTION - A balanced diet that excludes food allergens - The use of moisturizers and emollients - Limiting exposure to aggressive factors **Product information is intended for medical professionals.** ICHTHYOL is an external medicinal product of plant origin, obtained from purified shale oil hydrocarbons by condensation with hydrogen sulfide to form mixtures such as bitumen sulfides Application In medical practice, externally in the form of a cream for skin diseases. It has an antiseptic, drying, keratoplasty effect. X-ray contrast agent. When used as a distraction, it causes a weak analgesic effect. Clinically practically healthy in cases requiring a combination of anti-inflammatory therapy with local anesthesia. In rheumatological practice: limited psoriasis,