Ichthyosis Lamellar

Lamellar ichthyosis or desquamation lamellar-exodermolytic syringialism

Ichthyosis is a classic example of hereditary keratodermatosis. Ichthyosis is characterized by many morphological changes in the skin, which affect the upper layers of the skin and are hereditary.

Lamellar ichthyosis ====== Lamella ichthyosis (from the Latin lamel-la - scales), or lamillosa erythroderma of newborns (also simply lamilosa infantile erythroderma), lameloidosis-like infantile erythroderma, Lamirella disease - a hereditary skin disease from the group of ichthyoses which affects about 4% of newborns. Usually expressed slightly. In many cases, it is accompanied by damage to the mucous membranes (cracks and ulcers form on the gums, in the corners of the mouth, and fistulas in the corners of the eyes), their red color is especially noticeable. It is often accompanied by underdevelopment of internal organs and sharp deviations from the norm in the physical and mental development of the child. Partially cured by the age of 2-3 years. As the child grows older, the manifestations of the disease subside or disappear, after which the child recovers completely.