Inscriptions In The Room

If you get your hands on a couple of sheets of letter transfers or letter stencils (look for them at an office supply store or stationery store), then your child can be invited to play a quiet game while lying in bed or somewhere near you, while you're busy. First, invite him to make signs with inscriptions that need to be hung throughout the house. The first of them will warn that there is a sick child in the house: Jason is sick. The following inscriptions will be: Mom and Dad's Room or Jason's Room; All this needs to be done on a large sheet of paper and decorated with ornaments. Encourage him to come up with reminder signs: Have you washed yourself? and have you shaved? (for the bathroom), Smile (for the mirror). If the child does not yet know the alphabet well enough, circle the letters that he must transfer to paper. The little ones can draw their invented symbols on a sheet of paper.

Box with buttons
Do you have a box or jar where you put buttons - new or from old clothes? A sick child will be interested in putting them in order. Let him sort them into small bags or boxes. All the small white buttons should be placed in one pile, and the large white buttons in another. Separate all dark buttons from shaped and figured ones. You can study in bed, placing buttons on a tray; However, this game is intended, of course, for children who are already quite large, who know that buttons cannot be put in their mouths or put into other holes.