Hot flashes to the head

Hot flashes to the head: causes and methods of relief

Congestion is a condition in which there is a sudden rush of blood to the head, which can cause dizziness, tinnitus and red eyes. This phenomenon can be observed in people suffering from heart disease, hemorrhoids, constipation, as well as in people with congestion and a thick neck. Women during menopause may also experience hot flashes associated with the end of menstruation.

Several measures are recommended to help relieve hot flashes. In case of hot flashes in patients, it is necessary to give them a laxative (but not more than once a day) and place them in a semi-sitting position with their head on which ice or a cold cloth should be placed. It is also recommended to immerse your feet in hot water or apply mustard plasters to your calves and arms.

Persons suffering from plethora should avoid work that requires an inclined position of the body, and also limit the consumption of alcoholic beverages and rich foods to prevent the possibility of severe hot flashes.

In menopausal women, hot flashes can recur up to 10-15 times a day and last for several years. To alleviate this condition, it is recommended to raise both arms up or immerse your legs in very hot water. This will help reduce blood flow to the head and relieve symptoms. It is also beneficial to walk barefoot in water for 15 minutes, after which you should put on shoes and continue walking until your feet are completely dry. Salt or vinegar enemas may also help reduce the frequency of hot flashes.

In addition, you can take rue oil orally, diluted in 5-7 drops with sugar, up to three times a day. Rue tea can also be helpful in this case. Also, taking 3-6 Ovarinum tablets per day may reduce the frequency of hot flashes, however they should only be used as directed by a doctor as they may be harmful for some women.

It is important to note that if you have hot flashes in the head, you should consult a doctor to more accurately determine the cause and prescribe the most effective treatment.