Intramiocardial Pressure

The value of intramyocardial pressure (IMP) lies in the range from 9 to - 7 mm. rt. Art. and depends on the state of the valvular apparatus of the aorta and atria, caused by myocardial changes.

The main value of the VMP can vary from +0.5 to +2.5–6 mm. RT Art. – during physical stress (long walking) at rest. The absence of its increase allows us to exclude heart failure. Systolic EMP varies depending on the individual's cardiovascular sensitivity threshold and whether the increase in EMP is primary or secondary to intracardiac shunting. Typically values ​​are recorded between -0.4 and +5 mm. rt of column. In primary hyperophic cardiomyopathy, the systolic component of MEP reaches +4–7 mm Hg; in the diastolic form – -2–4 mm p. It is possible to measure diastolic (from 3 to 8 mm Hg) and systolic (< 2 мм. рт cт.) ВМП при других заболеваниях сердца, не обязательно сопровождающихся его раз-мягчением. Например, диастолическая волна смещения миокарда при субаортальном стенозе систоле лежит > 2% VSD, while systole is preserved. By the nature of diastolic VMP, it is possible to differentiate valvular lesions, especially those combined with anomalies of the conduction system: VMP is usually < 3 мм. р. т ст. при митральной недостаточности,