Ionization Constant

Ionization constants are non-periodic dimensionless physical quantities that characterize the ability of an atom (ion) to remove electrons from other atoms when absorbing a gamma quantum or some other radiation.

When a substance is exposed to gamma radiation with an energy greater than the ionization energy of the atoms of this substance, gamma-active isotopes are converted into radioactive ones, gamma rays appear, then bremsstrahlung, X-rays, interstitial and photoelectronic. The efficiency (quantity) of gamma multiplication depends only on the relative magnitude of the radiation energies Eg and the complete absorption of particles (fragments) by E fragments.

The charge carriers (positive) are protons, and the mass of electrons in them is equal to the mass of neutrons. The absorption of an alpha particle by an atom leads to its dissociation - the formation of daughter atoms - and the emergence of high-energy radiation. Alpha mass