Carcinoma syncytia

Synocytial carcinoma

Synophyte carcinoma is a malignant tumor of squamous epithelium in combination with a connective tissue component. In each individual, this type of tumor can appear in various histological variants - sarcomatoid, lytic, anaplastic and others.

Epithelial-connective tissue differentiation of Sinophyte carcinoma is present in the initial stage of tumor development. With further growth, the disease becomes indeterminate. From Sinophyte sarcoma there is a lot of transition of the squamous cell type. What is the main feature of this type of cancer. These tumors, as a rule, have a loose consistency and are able to grow over impressive distances from the oral cavity. Among the most common variants of this form of cancer are diagnosed:

mucoepidermoid; angiosarcomas; adenosarcomas; cylindroma; undifferentiated. Immunohistochemical examination is used to detect sinufete sarcoma. The diagnosis is made based on the clinical picture, signs and symptoms, as well as the results of computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. Treatment for Sinophytes sarcoma is complex - combination therapy and radiation therapy.