Tooth caries average

Caries is the destruction of tooth tissue, which begins with the appearance of white spots on the surface of the enamel due to insufficient oral hygiene, consumption of sugar and flour products. Often, such symptoms indicate the development of a more serious disease that requires immediate dental attention.

Moderate severity: It is difficult to detect secondary signs of destruction even during visual inspection, since the affected area is slightly limited by infection to the enamel. At a later stage, necrosis of hard dental tissues occurs, and inflammation of the nerve endings develops. If more than the upper portion of the front tooth or the anterior portion of the upper element of the dental arch is affected, the patient begins to experience symptoms:

there is a dull pain in the tooth caused by a moderately strong touch to it; a chip forms at the affected area, there is a strong sensitivity to hot and cold; serous plaque (periodontal or deep) changes the color of the exposed area towards darker tones; the enamel structure affects the surface layer of the stone underneath, which is infected; the anomaly progresses rapidly - each upper molar loses its strength base, acquires pathological mobility, and refuses to function. If a person does not seek medical help in a timely manner, the deformity can spread: to the root; superficial dentin; to the nerve and periosteum.