
Caffeine is one of the most common stimulants present in our daily lives. It is an alkaloid that is present in various products such as coffee, tea, chocolate, soft drinks and others.

This alkaloid has a stimulating effect on the human body, especially on the central nervous system. Caffeine blocks the action of the neurotransmitter adenosine, which normally reduces nervous system activity and causes drowsiness. When adenosine is blocked, the nervous system becomes more active, resulting in increased wakefulness and increased mental alertness.

Caffeine also has diuretic properties, which may be helpful for people suffering from swelling associated with poor circulation or impaired kidney function.

In addition, caffeine may have an analgesic effect and reduce headaches in some cases. It is often included in analgesics along with aspirin or codeine.

However, as with any other stimulant, caffeine intake should be limited. Too much caffeine can cause nervousness, insomnia, headaches, shaky feelings, and other unwanted side effects. In addition, caffeine use can lead to addiction, and if withdrawn, people accustomed to large doses of caffeine may experience withdrawal symptoms.

Caffeine is an amazing stimulant that can help us feel alert and more active, but it's important to be aware of its potential unwanted effects and use it wisely.

Caffeine is an alkaloid that is widely distributed in nature and is found in many beverages, including tea and coffee. It has a stimulating effect on the human body, especially on the central nervous system. Caffeine is used to maintain wakefulness and increase mental alertness; In addition, it has diuretic properties and in some cases can reduce headaches.

Caffeine was discovered in 1819 by French chemist Friedrich Ferdinand Runge, who extracted it from coffee beans. Caffeine is now one of the most common stimulants in the world, and its consumption is often associated with increased energy and improved mood.

However, not all people can consume caffeine without consequences. People suffering from insomnia, heart disease, or high blood pressure may experience negative effects after consuming caffeine. These effects may include insomnia, nervousness, increased heart rate, and increased blood pressure.

Caffeine may also be included in analgesics along with aspirin or codeine. These combinations can help reduce pain and improve the patient's health.

Even though caffeine has many positive and negative effects on the human body, its consumption remains very popular around the world. Most people use caffeine to help them stay alert and improve mental alertness, but it is important to be aware of the possible risks and limitations associated with its use.

Caffeine is a unique substance that is a strong psychostimulant. The core and hydroxo group have a pyrimidine ring. The nitrogen charge in the pyrrole ring causes another characteristic feature of the compound - reversible geriatric amnesia. Caffeine is also characterized by a chiral structure (it has lactim at position 7), which makes it possible to have a wide range of metabolites. The main pharmacological effect is due to the interaction of the caffeine molecule with CNS receptors. The compound has a predominantly stimulating effect on them. Caffeine contains nitrogen, carbon groups, and a pyrrole ring.

Caffeine increases the frequency and strength of heart contractions, increases cardiac stroke volume, blood pressure, dilates blood vessels in skeletal muscles and the brain (vasoconstriction of the skin), and also increases overall peripheral resistance. Enhances the release of adrenaline from the adrenal medulla, increases mental and physical performance, has a positive effect on visual acuity, memory and attention (especially at high concentrations), reduces feelings of fatigue and drowsiness, increases urine flow, reducing the possibility of stone formation. Caffeine can improve mood by affecting the brain. Stimulation of the nervous system is not negative, but is perceived as an invigorating effect. The main problem is the lack of evidence for the positive effects of caffeine on health. Coffee does make you feel better briefly during pregnancy, but in healthy people it often causes uncontrollable heart palpitations, even dizziness, insomnia and low blood pressure due to the depletion of adrenaline in the body.