
Coitophobia or myxophobia are specific fears associated with copulation. A person is terrified of having sex because he feels that he may have offspring. Due to such fear, he is unable to perform sexual intercourse. Such a person definitely cannot be coit-phobic, since personally experiencing fear associated specifically with sex is quite strange. You can find out what this is connected with by talking with the patient. This is the fear of conception and birth of a child, the appearance of a feeling of helplessness and dissatisfaction after sexual intercourse.

Most often in medicine, coitophobia is associated with the patient’s negative sexual experience. So, during the period of virginity, everyone who has experienced sexual intercourse is faced with libido problems, but the reasons for the fear of coitus arise only when a phobia arises for sexual intercourse in adulthood.

If the problem is persistent and severe, you should consult a specialist. Despite the fact that coitophobia requires contacting a psychotherapist, some people use

Coitophobia - a disease or fear of sex?

_Sexology is the fastest growing medical science._ Perhaps in the very near future the word sex will become synonymous with the concept of _human body_. Indeed, thanks to the efforts of scientists and the presence of such technological progress as artificial intelligence and biotechnology, a person will be able to see the birth of his grandchildren from a DNA test in the next 3-5 years. Including - observing the entire process of conception down to small details that are not visible to a microscope: the vas deferens, germ cells and an egg (if one is opened). This brings us closer to the humanoid recipient, but further distances us from animals, in which each male can be easily registered.