Constitution Neuropathic

The constitution of a neuropathic patient, or otherwise neuropathy, is a disease that is associated with disruption of the nervous system. It is characterized by disruption of the conduction of nerve impulses, which can lead to various problems in the human body, including pain, weakness, numbness, loss of sensation and other symptoms.

In this article we will look at the main causes of neuropathy, its health consequences, diagnostic and treatment methods, as well as prospects for the development of this area of ​​medicine.

Causes of neuropathy

There are many causes that can lead to neuropathy. These include genetic factors, diseases of the nervous system, trauma, infections and others. For example, hereditary neuropathies arise from genetic mutations that lead to disruption of the structures of nerve cells. In turn, acquired neuropathies can be caused by head trauma, strokes, infectious diseases such as polio, cerebral palsy or syphilis.

Among the most common types of neuropathies are:

1. Polyneuropathy - defeat